
Criminal Background check

I'm looking to come back to Busan after a bit of a hiatus back home and I'm new to the criminal background check. I'm in the U.S. and I'm about to have the letter I had printed from the local PD that says I'm clean sent to my state's State Dept. to have an apostille stamp affixed to it. My question is, where do I have that sent? Do I request them send it back to me or should I have them send it to my potential job? I haven't even started looking at jobs yet but I want to get all of my paper work hammered out first.

salaries and posting re jobs

I think we should be able to post comments about jobs. The one stating tgey are paying out of pocket so they can only afford 350 000 for 4 full days is a joke. You make less than 2 million a month? 350 for 4 days is like 1.8 mil a month. I dont think so. You are at least making 2million but when you also add in your housing, bonus and airfare, much more than that. 350 should be illegal. You will get paid from your school and still make money for not even teaching. Crazy stuff. I hope people are smart enough to not take this job.


 Hello! I am a new to this business here and looking for some help.

My friend who had taught in Busan for a year, has convinced me to go and has advised me to make a post here. 

I am looking for a basic 9-5 job in Busan. Any suggestions??

What are some credible or good places to work? 

What places offer the best ammendities (i.e. room, flight, medical, etc...)

I would be starting in August/September.

Any and All suggestions are welcome.










Summer Work

I am currently living in Canada, but am looking to teach in Korea for the summer. I have a 3-4 month break in my job, and would love to return to the Hermit Kingdom for a few months. Not exactly sure how this would work, but I thought I would just throw it out there. Perhaps someone is looking for a break from their job to return home for a few months? If anyone could offer me a suggestion on how I could make this possible, it would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.

Non Teaching job's

I know this may sound like a stupid question, but, Is it possible to get a non Korean speaking Non Teaching job in Korea??    I met my Korean wife elsewhere came here and have discovered that really teaching isn't for me.  Or am I scr*wed???    Constructive advice is welcomed

Thanks in Advance!!


''Teaching little kids in Geoje Island!!!!!!!It is very prestigious kids program in Korea and they are looking for a teacher who is good at with younger kids. ''

Please....it's a kids hogwan and with hours like that when would you see this beautiful island?

Man, I wish people would give more information in regards to the actual jobs instead of trying to steroid it up with distractions. I mean what do apples and fashion have to do with teaching in Daegu?  nothing.

Can I transfer my visa?

I have been teaching at my school ( private ) for about 3 months and have been offered another position at an Elementary school.Since my daughter will be attending this school, my current employer is willing to give me a letter of release. Can I transfer my visa to the new school or do I have to do the visa run?

If I have to do the visa run, how long do I have to wait for the visa issuance number before I can leave for Japan? I need to make sure that I am not unemployed for too long.

Any advice will be appreciated.


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