
Something fishy going on

I have 2 years teaching experience in Korea (at the same school). After my last contract, I decided to take a couple months off.

I am now ready to go back to Busan. All my documents are ready and apostilled and all the other things immigration wants. That's something I make sure to tell schools I applied for.I've gotten a couple of good bites, but they seem to back off.

One in particular:

working while waiting for the F2 visa..

Guys, I would just like to know if anyone knows or had an experience working while waiting for their F2-1 visa?

I'm planning to end my contract with my employer next month because the place is quite far from my new place and had a new offer for another job. I heard that when you end your contract with a company sponsored visa, you can't work and just wait until you can get your F2-1 visa for you to legally work in the other company.

Apostille for Diploma/FBI background check...

Sorry to bring up a probably very redundant topic on here...

I already obtained one apostille for my diploma and found out that my future employer needs 2 copies (for board of labor and immigration).  I'm in Korea for two weeks before going to Europe and was hoping to get some of this stuff settled before I leave. 

I'm wondering if I can get another diploma apostilled without actually being physically present for a notary?  Basically, can my Dad get the document notarized and then send it to the state for an apostille?

CoTeacher Admits to Forging Documents and Im in Trouble???

This is my first month in Korea and came across a huge legal issue and dont know where to go from here. A long story short. My CoTeacher forged "documents" to get me to Korea, when I pressed the Issue, they canceled my "contract" and said to not come into work. Their exact words were "[school name removed by mods]  does not hire illegal people" Funny thing, I have e-mail scripts from the previous English teacher saying she saw my CoTeacher forge documents to get me to Korea. Even better, my pervious teacher was working for the school illegally.

Teacher for the high functioning kids ASAP

I guess things are getting really desperate these days. This is probably the last ditch effert for any place looking for a body.  High functioning? did you use google translate or another brainfart program?  please!!!

People this is a standard hogwan, I repeat. It's a hogwan. They take any kid, it's based on profit, it's a business.

Ask them why they need a teacher ASAP? there did the last one go? Watch and listen for the squirming.

Don't be fooled by ads like this.

Beware of Recruiters offering 'University' positions

Just a word of notice to people out there this hiring season. Some recuiters will try to disguise a hogwan or a university hogwan or even go so far and as low as a hogwan near a university as a 'university' job.

In my travels the majority of universities and colleges in Korea do their own hiring (doesn't that make more sense to you?)

looking for a tutor who can teach business english

I'm looking for a tutor who can teach me English.

I've started working at the trading company. So I'd like to learn business english and also general conversation too.

probably 1hour, once a week.

after 6 or 7 pm.

Haeundae or Kyungsung University area is fine.

we can discuss details more.

If you have interest, email me.

[email protected]



''Busan Global Village in Busan is searching for fun teachers.''

Fun,fun fun...no matter how you dress something up 2weeks vacation is still only 2weeks vacation and that is a standard hogwan.

Actually a standard run of the mill hogwan is better than this. A ROTM hogwan will see you working from 3-8-9pm at the latest. This is all day long, this is worse than a hogwan.  At least with a normal hogwan you can sleep in and have much of the day to do what you want and avoid the rush hour nonsense.

It's no wonder they are all ways looking for people. YBM,ECC and any other entry level big chain is better than this.   


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