
Hours per day overtime?

i have been working for a hagwon for many years and have not had any financial problems.  my contract (in english) reads that anything over 5 hours per day is overtime.  

i have some coworkers with the same contract, but they work at two different locations.   the problem that has occured is that my coworkers will work over 5 hours in one location one day and then work under 5 hours at another location another day. my boss is now trying to say he's not going to pay the overtime for the 5+ hour days.

Takingabean Intomoney- Hacks and the Beenstalkers

If you were confused by the headline, I'm referring to the use of the Internet for English conversation. I hear most of the workers are not Westerners, or have the usual native speaker requirements.I've heard, they are mostly Asians. Some of the Koreans I know, who have used these things, weren't overjoyed at paying 20 bucks a class. Anyone with a little common sense could do it themself.Why make money for another greedy paracite when plenty exist already.Open a Skype account.Surely, that is as "legal-illegal"- as working for some institution that is milking the cash cow.

Recent adverts posted on some ESL sites using the word University

Manager, I appreciate that you do not like people commenting on a specific advert, so I just wanted to make an observation here. I hope you'll understand my point. I don't want to highlight any particular case here deliberately, nor negatively. However,  I have noticed a few businesses using the word University in their recruitment campaigns. It's not my intention to challenge the validity of these jobs, rather question their assertion of being a real university. In my opinion, this use of the word university, is a little confusing and misleading to  a candidate.

Are transcripts still required for Japan visa runs?

I was under the impression that transcripts were no longer required as of September 2010. However, I have recently been told that although Korean immigration no longer require them Japan will want a copy. Has anyone recently done a visa run to Japan? I am from the UK, not sure that it matters though.

Any info would be much appreciated! Thanks!

Breaking a Contract---How long can I stay in Korea?

Hi there,

So I've decided to break my contract early and was wondering how long will Korean Immigration allow me to stay in Korea for? I have a plane ticket purchased, but my departure from Korea will not be until about 25 days after I quit my job. I don't want another job here and I'm not planning on returning, but I'd rather not waste money on a ferry to Japan in order to get a tourist visa for a couple of weeks if I don't have to. I've heard that immigration may try to fine me if when I try to leave the country, however. Is this true?

Thanks for your help.

Re: F2 visa

Ive recently received my F2 visa and I want to confirm exactly what I can and cant do. My understanding is that I can legally work at any hagwon/school without needing to register with immigration (part-time and/or full-time)...is this correct?

Also, regarding privates - am I allowed to legally do privates now, and do I need to register this somewhere? I assume I would need to be paying tax on this income.

My Hagwon doesn't have enough students this month.

I work at a fairly small Hagwon, I am the only foreign teacher and today during our weekly teacher's meeting our director told us that while we only lost 9 students that is enough that the school is now only making enough money to pay expenses.  My director and vice director don't speak much english but they at least told me this.  This worries me in more than one way; I'm worried that the Hagwon will close and I will be forced to go back home, and I also worry that it's my fault that parents are taking their kids out of the school.  Is there anything that I can do to help my school get mor

working while waiting for the F2 visa..

Guys, I would just like to know if anyone knows or had an experience working while waiting for their F2-1 visa?

I'm planning to end my contract with my employer next month because the place is quite far from my new place and had a new offer for another job. I heard that when you end your contract with a company sponsored visa, you can't work and just wait until you can get your F2-1 visa for you to legally work in the other company.

F2 for 22,000won?

I am very surprised with the Advert I  have seen 3 days ago. This Hagwon in Hwamyeong-dong is looking for a passionate, experienced and talented F2 teacher for 22,000won.



1.) If you are the addressed person living in the same area, are you gonna accept this?

2.) IF you live a distance from this Hagwon, are you going to come for this job knowing the hours can come up with over a hundred thousand won with the same hour rate?


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