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Thoughts about tomorrow's Koreabridge Webast

Been gathering my thoughts in preparation for tomorrow's Koreabridge Webcast. Topics that I'd like to address at some point - either tomorrow or during future webcasts.

  • The Vision/Big Picture
    -a media channel that helps  those interested in Korea connect, learn, and collaborate
    - how  Pweb/KB fit into Worldbridges
  • Standards & Values
    - where do we draw lines?
  • The Business Model
    - show who the money?
  • Community Contribution
    - giving back, starting last year
  • Content Producers
    - what's in it for them?
  • Ratings & Reviews (businesses, employers/recruiters, content)
    - balancing the value of crowdsourcing with the headache of potential lawsuits
  • Forums
    - consolidation?  range of categories?
  • Advertising
    - more than banner ads, interactive advertising
  • Other Sites
    - collaborate if interested, cordial co-existence (no Pweb mafia)
  • Tech Stuff
    - Drupalers wanted,  OpenX vs Google Ad Manager,

The Week We View for Apr. 12th

>In the Rude or Stupid department: The South Korean city of Iksan, which is known as Korea’s first “woman-friendly city,” the government installed 25 parking spaces reserved for women only. They’re outlined in pink, with a large pink flower symbol, and are 20 centimeters wider than the standard parking space. According to the Iksan government, the spaces were made larger in order to accommodate “

Kimchi Pancake 김치전


(for 3 large kimchi pancakes)

Flour 1.5 cups
Water 1.5 cups
Kimchi 3 cups (sour ones, fermented longer), Kimchi juice is a great bonus!
Eggs 3
Salt 1/2 to 1 teaspoon
Vegetable oil


1. Mix all the ingredient together. (except vegetable oil)
2. Pre-heat a pan on medium heat and oil it.
3. Pour 2-3 ladles of the mixture (depending on the size the pan).
Make sure the mixture is evenly spread throughout the pan.
4. Cook until one side is golden brown and flip.
5. Cook the other side until golden brown.
*if your pancake is thick, cook on low heat so that it's cooked through.
6. Remove from the pan and cool it down before cutting.
7. Cut into squares.
8 Serve and enjoy!

Follow Crazy Korean Cooking


Found: Fountain of Life

I couldn't bring myself to go in. Reality would have crushed the dream. It always does.I imagine a soju fountain in the waiting room. The main event, a magical vitamin shot in the ass, promises eternal youth.My lofty expectations are largely a result of misreading "Life" as "Youth".This is most interesting thing that I've come across in the past two weeks. This is laregly a result of leaving the

In defense of the Somali pirates

I am an unabashed fan of the scrappy pirates of Somalia. These tiny bands of rag tag fisherman on speedboats and pontoons have been wreaking havoc on countries both big and small for several years while their coastal waters slipped into further ruin at the hands of those very same powers.Piracy emerged in Somalia following the collapse of the government there in 1991. With no authority to police

Cherry Blossoms and more.......

Busan, 9/4/09Korea Cherry Blossom SeasonIt"s the season of the romantic flower, the cherry blossom, a flower celebrated (or hated, depending on your perspective) in Japan, Korea and China with countless poems written and paintings drawn for the beautiful flower.Despite their being a symbol of Japanese rule to many of the locals, millions of visitors flock every year to major cherry blossom fe...

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

Cherry Blossoms and more....

Busan, 9/4/09Korea Cherry Blossom SeasonIt"s the season of the romantic flower, the cherry blossom, a flower celebrated (or hated, depending on your perspective) in Japan, Korea and China with countless poems written and paintings drawn for the beautiful flower.Despite their being a symbol of Japanese rule to many of the locals, millions of visitors flock every year to major cherry blossom fe...

Cherry Blossoms and more.......

Busan, 9/4/09Korea Cherry Blossom SeasonIt"s the season of the romantic flower, the cherry blossom, a flower celebrated (or hated, depending on your perspective) in Japan, Korea and China with countless poems written and paintings drawn for the beautiful flower.Despite their being a symbol of Japanese rule to many of the locals, millions of visitors flock every year to major cherry blossom fe...

Obama's dramatic change of color

I was happy to see Obama elected president --it was a great day when an American of color was finally seated at the highest level of power. But, two months in and Obama's color is looking to be the same ol' red, white and blue as his predecessor, George W Bush.After relentlessly attacking the Bush administration over wiretapping during the campaign, now Obama seeks to expand domestic surveillance


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