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Will Obama legalize marijuana?

During an online town hall meeting yesterday, Barack Obama was asked if legalizing, and then taxing marijuana would help the U.S. economy.And, like the previous two White House occupants, when given the "legalize marijuana" question, Obama shifted right into the 3-step presidential response --straight out of the "Now You're the President! Inauguration Day Handbook."Step 1: First, employ a

What happens if Japan shoots down North Korea's missile?

With the Japanese government officially confirming they will shoot down any threatening North Korean missile like it was a South Korean hanging curve ball, the world watches and waits.Myself, I have a macabre vision of Kim Jong-il standing at the launch pad with a can of spray paint, christening his latest phallic symbol, "Archduke Francis Ferdinand."A possible scenario:Japan shoots down "The

Conservatives vs. Liberals: The Greatest Show on Earth

While the Federal Reserve in Washington and the Central Bank in London continue their decades-old (for the Brits centuries-old) game of fleecing the world, we do at least have the consolation of some fine entertainment on the main stage in America.Watching the Anglo-based alchemists, dressed as "conservatives" and "liberals", with their newly appointed, melanin-rich-middle-man, Barack Obama, and

Who is the photo editor at the International Herald Tribune?

This gem of a front page photo depicting Japan's victory in the WBC final was in the International Herald Tribune today. Was this the best shot they could come up with?I don't know, times are tough as prominent print media outlets duke it out for online readers. Maybe the IHT is hoping to broaden their readership into the lucrative proctology demographic? Or, perhaps, it is a nod to Korean

Burn After Reading, The Reader, Milk In Theatres Everywhere Thursday

Burn After Reading


Directed by: The Coen brothers

Starring: George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Tilda Swinton, Frances McDormand, John Malkovitch

Release Date: March 26

“Burn After Reading” is one of few black-comedies that directly tackles the post-911 era - “Team America: World Police” (2004) is the only other one that comes to mind. And who better to make fun of the folly of our troubled times than the devious Coen brothers?



Directed by: Gus Van Sant

Starring: Sean Penn, James Franco, Josh Brolin

Release Date: March 26

If you’re already an avid reader of this blog, you’ll know that I thoroughly disliked this biopic about the first openly gay man elected to office in the United States. Gus Van Sant returns to the generic filmmaking style he adopted in “Good Will Hunting (1997) and “Finding Forrester” (2000) after making a handful of artsier movies - “Gerry,” (2002) “Elephant,” (2003) “Last Days,” (2005) and “Paranoid Park” (2007).  Though the latter films weren’t necessarily good, they were at least significantly more interesting in terms of technique. “Milk” is just so bland, like a regular glass without a spoonful of cocoa or a cookie to go with it.

The Reader


Directed by: Stephen Daldry

Starring: Kate Winslet, Ralph Fiennes

Release Date: March 26

I know what you’re thinking: “Ugh! Another movie about Nazis and the horrible things they did during World War II.” Someone really needs to declare a moratorium on these kinds of dramas, but for now let’s just look at what “The Reader” has to offer - two stellar actors in the male and female leads, and a capable filmmaker (I’m a sucker for Stephen Daldry’s previous film, “The Hours”). Still, by broaching this subject, movies like these have the added challenge of saying something new or different in an original way. And that’s never easy.

Did nationalism cost Korea the WBC title against Japan?

The buzz making the rounds in the baseball world following Korea's 10th inning loss to Japan in the WBC, is whether Korean nationalism superceded sound baseball strategy.Purely from a baseball perspective Korea's approach in pitching to Ichiro Suzuki, one of the worlds premiere hitters, looked a bit, well, either naive or nationalistic. Like a manager more concerned with losing face than losing

China says "Jump!" South Africa asks, "How high?"

In case you doubted that the world is forever locked in a state of contradiction, cast your eyes towards South Africa's banning of the Dalai Lama from a peace conference in Johannesburg. When I first heard about it two words came immediately to mind: "Irony" and "Idiocy."That the government of a people who fought so long and so hard to rid themselves of colonial suppression would ban the world's

Where's Your Beer?

The inevitable Friday/Saturday night exchange that I've had to suffer through over the past month goes as follows:Mon Ami: Where's your beer? points at my cupMe: This is ginger ale. points at cupMon Ami: Yeah... so, where's your beer?Me: I'm not drinking beer.Mon Ami: Why aren't you drinking beer?Me: I'm off the sauce.Mon Ami: You're not off the sauce. Have a beer.Me: Ginger ale is delicious. Mon


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