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American Baseball gets the spanking it deserves

It was pathetic watching the American baseball team in the WBC tournament. The two stereotypes so readily assigned by the world to American culture -- individualism and greed-- were well represented by the U.S. team. Or better put, by the lack of representation by the U.S. team.Tied down by multi-million contracts and worries over injury, the true nature of the "game" is lost as the game's

Obama's message of a "new beginning" to the Iranian people

Being the cynic that I am, I am rarely touched by the words of any president --regardless of what party he is from. But when I watched Barack Obama's Nowruz, or New Year's message, played on Iranian television, it evoked a measure of pride.This was a direct appeal to the people using language that praised the admirable history of Persian Culture, quoted famous Persian poets and offered sincere

At the OPEC meeting in Vienna there's a whole lotta shakin' going on

The Saudis seem a bit worried with all the talk of alternative fuels going on in Washington. And the response coming out of this year's OPEC International Seminar in Vienna is clear: Don't give up on oil just yet.And like any good sales pitch, it is being framed as a, "for your own good" proposition, with the Saudi oil minister, Ali al Naimi, saying that calls to switch to alternatives are

U.S. vs. N. Korea: A war of words that kills the home town fans

The bizarro world of American-North Korean relations is never without its share of diplomatic dunces and their counter intuitive clashes. The two governments battle for headlines on a daily basis in a game of PR brinkmanship that at times seems the game of children."He's the bad guy!" "No, he is the bad guy" "Axis of eeevul!" "Imperialists!" The endless assortment of threats and retaliations,

The new Mercedes-Benz commercial starring Barack Obama

The World's premiere automaker sets the record straight.Aside of knowing where the car was actually invented, the Prez should also know that America doesn't make cars as well as it used to. So, many owners will, from time to time, have to "walk away from it."

Busan- Bumbling on.........Fitness time!

Busan, 18/3/09.During the last few weeks, I have started to see a lot more of Korea, which has had many benefits.As much as I enjoy and have enjoyed a beer with the lads at the weekend, as well as the associated tomfoolery, I decided that I have to start seeing a little more of the place. To this end, the last two weekends have included wonderfully cultural Sunday adventures to Jagalchi (Famous fo...

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

Busan- Bumbling on.........Fitness time!...

Busan, 18/3/09.During the last few weeks, I have started to see a lot more of Korea, which has had many benefits.As much as I enjoy and have enjoyed a beer with the lads at the weekend, as well as the associated tomfoolery, I decided that I have to start seeing a little more of the place. To this end, the last two weekends have included wonderfully cultural Sunday adventures to Jagalchi (Famous fo...

Busan- Bumbling on.........Fitness time!...

Busan, 18/3/09.During the last few weeks, I have started to see a lot more of Korea, which has had many benefits.As much as I enjoy and have enjoyed a beer with the lads at the weekend, as well as the associated tomfoolery, I decided that I have to start seeing a little more of the place. To this end, the last two weekends have included wonderfully cultural Sunday adventures to Jagalchi (Famous fo...

Perhaps the Pope's father should have worn a condom

The Catholic Church has been against condoms since they were invented in the 16th century --their opposition in this century is nothing new. But, when His Holiness the Pope tells Africans that condom use increases the spread of AIDS, one wonders would we all be better off if Benedict's father had slipped one on 82 years ago.In his own words: "Aids cannot be overcome by the distribution of


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