Been gathering my thoughts in preparation for tomorrow's Koreabridge Webcast. Topics that I'd like to address at some point - either tomorrow or during future webcasts.
- The Vision/Big Picture
-a media channel that helps those interested in Korea connect, learn, and collaborate
- how Pweb/KB fit into Worldbridges - Standards & Values
- where do we draw lines? - The Business Model
- show who the money? - Community Contribution
- giving back, starting last year - Content Producers
- what's in it for them? - Ratings & Reviews (businesses, employers/recruiters, content)
- balancing the value of crowdsourcing with the headache of potential lawsuits - Forums
- consolidation? range of categories? - Advertising
- more than banner ads, interactive advertising - Other Sites
- collaborate if interested, cordial co-existence (no Pweb mafia) - Tech Stuff
- Drupalers wanted, OpenX vs Google Ad Manager,
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