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Should Tragedy Ensue...

and the dullness of your scissors makes you blue,there is a place in Seomyeon just for you:I found this spot while walking home from Burger King a while ago. This would be the same Burger King that thinks mayonnaise, which is totally a sauce, by the way, belongs on Whoppers. Burger King is wrong. My horrid display of rhyming and digression into Burger King's folly ways aside, I wonder if people

Seomyeon: Disorder Restored

A few events over the past week and a half have left me assured that Seomyeon is over it's midlife crisis, which involved being broken in an awesome way, and returned to just being broken.First, they've been ripping up the intersection in front of my apartment. At 2am. Because if 2am isn't a good time to do really loud construction, when is? In spite of my obvious noise complaints, I'm going to

Its Not Always About You Korea. Again.

If you hate Korea so much, why don't you just leave?This is a profoundly stupid question. I've seen it not only on my blog, but hundreds of times over on Dave's ESL Forums. Every time that I see this question, my brain swells in horror. Everybody that I've ever been involved with purposely pops their collar; I was already quite dumb enough, thanks. The students and business folk of Busan are


Busan, 13/2/09.Today is Friday the 13th. I realised this just before I started writing, so I'm hoping I don't jinx myself with anything I say here.Having finally passed my health test (see previous notes), I have been really looking forward to finally sorting a bank account out, as well as getting a mobile phone. How foolish this idea is proving to be.............Korean Mobile phones.In the UK, mo...


Busan, 13/2/09.Today is Friday the 13th. I realised this just before I started writing, so I'm hoping I don't jinx myself with anything I say here.Having finally passed my health test (see previous notes), I have been really looking forward to finally sorting a bank account out, as well as getting a mobile phone. How foolish this idea is proving to be.............Korean Mobile phones.In the UK, mo...

Spotted: Order in Seomyeon.

The perfect, single-file line wrapped neatly around the curb. Roughly 15-20 people waited quietly, just steps away from one of Seomyeon's 42 subway exits. Nobody attempted to cheat their way to the front of the line. Nobody saw the need to plough their way through the line when they could instead, just walk around it. When the bus they were waiting for finally pulled up to the curb, the line
