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Toastmasters in Korea

Although I like to think of myself as a rather tough and emotionally hardy man of sorts, a few months of living alone in Seoul seems to have drained me of something. Is it the lonesome daily treks back to the dormitories at midnight? Is it the lack of contact with an older and more familiar social network? Is it my crazy laboratory senior, Hoon Cheong, who ignores me everyday? I know not.
But what I do know is that when you're feeling in the blues, there's always something you can do about it. That is, apart from whinging on your blog.

Building a Lazier World

Admittedly, sitting on my ass in "A Society of Sloth" has its appeal, but it's the spectacle of corrupt, vampiric scientific managers scraping off my fat for my own good that disgusts me.With modern technology, probably less than 5% of the population could produce all the goods we really “need”. [...]

OK Takoyaki!

I’ve never been too enamoured with Takoyaki. The first time I tried these Japanese octopus balls was at a buffet and they had been lukewarm, soggy and thoroughly unremarkable. Later, when I tried the Takoyaki van close to our school I was similarly unimpressed with the results. I’d waited 20 minutes in line and had spent most of that time in a state of nervous suspicion that the Korean lady behind/next to me was in the process of bunking the queue. When I finally got my Takoyaki the results weren’t great.

Geithner on Charlie Rose

I'm torn between a natural inclination to admire technocratic wizardry AND a skeptical dread of human limitations. Even with all Secretary Geithner's caution, there's still so much uncertainty. I do think this approach is optimal, though, even if I wanted more astringent poured on the banks earlier. I dread both unlimited boom-and-bust and radical [...]

Talking About The Godfather and IR

I actually watched The Godfather again last night after listening to this diavlog between Eli Lake and John Hulsman. I've always admired Michael's loyalty and strength and Santino's brotherly concern for his sister. I did not like Tom, whose character seems to devolve from the Woltz episode to the end - and through to [...]

Scared to Death of Human Flu

OinkSip Originally uploaded by JaycastOn A/H1N1, I fully share the better skeptical instincts of the cynical who lampoon the perceived fear-mongering tactics of the media. Sensational headlines operate like an "11" on a ten-point scale. Only now we're at "20" with no signs that inflation will abate. The blogosphere and the comments sections are performing [...]

The Week We View: All the news that's fit to miss

>Conservative talk show hosts hit an all-new low this week when making an issue of Barack Obama ordering a cheeseburger with Dijon mustard and no Ketchup.Right Wing nut-case radio host, Laura Ingraham, went so far as to question Obama's manhood while criticizing him for ordering bottled water with his meal.Here is,Here is Fox talk show host moron, Sean Hannity's take on the measure of a man

Star Trek Is Empty Air

This is not the old Star Trek - with pointy-eared Spock and over-the-top Captain Kirk. It's hard to know what it could be, but in the age of audio remixing, Star Trek is a clever video remix. J.J. Abrams abandons Gene Roddenberry's claim of "modeling it on Swift's Gulliver's Travels, intending each episode to act [...]
