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New Year's Carnage+Captain Liver Failure!

Busan, 3/2/09.Wow, February already, madness! The last few weeks have passed by in an absolute blur, though much of this has been booze (read soju) induced, which has led to a couple of recent problems!New Year's was pure insanity with the Busan Boys, the crack drinking unit which Filip and I have assembled here (more on the boys at a later date). Anyways, here goes with the medical stuff!Liver Te...

The 1st of 227 Reasons That Teaching Adults is Better Than Teaching Children

Reason #1 Why Teaching Adults is Better Than Teaching Children:I no longer need to bring extra tissues to work.Mucus Student was 9 years old (In Real Years. This translates to something like 17 in Korean Years) and didn't know when it was time to blow his nose. He was not functionally retarded. His English speaking ability eclipsed that of his peers. He was not socially retarded; in spite of his

Thanks, Kloggers

In exchange for my bailing on Monday's trip to Gyeongju, my friend Diana passed along the message that Zen Kimchi had nominated Big White Barbie Does Busan for one of the The Golden Klog Awards. (While neither of these things actually had anything to do with the other, and they didn't even happen in that order, I see no reason that my penchant for exaggeration or rampant fact manipulation ought


Last weekend I turned a corner in my Korean food experience: I enjoyed Kimchi. I’ve been moving towards this for a while, but it took a Lunar New Year trip to Gwanju (“the rice bowl of Korea”) to seal my fate.

For the uninitiated, Kimchi is pickled cabbage made with chili and garlic that comes as part of the banchan or side dishes that complement every Korean meal. Around 1.5 million tones of the stuff is consumed here each year, and it forms an unavoidable part of the Korean diet.

Reason 37 to Go to Japan Next Contract

Workers Urged: Go Home and MultiplyGo home and multiply? Really, CNN? Really, Japan?! This is the kind of CNN tripe that I fucking live for; the sole purpose of my checking that site on a daily basis is to come across retarded headlines such as this.While this particular measure obviously wouldn't pertain to me (a lowly Canadian English teacher, who is unlikely to be of much use in pumping Japan


I came to the PC Bang today to write something about my friend, who passed away one year ago today. I had no idea what I was going to write, how I was going to write it, or what I was going to accomplish by doing this, but I was going to it anyways. It needed to be done. At no point during the past year have I really shared a story which properly captured his memory. I didn't splash the walls of

Kimchi Stew


Kimchi (sour and fermented for a while) 3 cups
Tuna 1-2 cans
Butter 1 tablespoon
Water 2 to 2.5 cups
Kimchi juice (as much as you can get)


1. oh high heat saute tuna with better for 5 minutes.
2. Add kimchi and saute for at least 10 minutes.
(if it starts to stick to the bottom, add a little bit of kimchi juice or water)
3. Add kimchi juice and water (add some chili pepper flakes if you like it spicy)
4. boil for 10 minutes
5. Season with salt.
