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I'm Only Happy When It Rains

I have never been a rainy day type person. I am actually a little more mental on cloudy days than I am normally and that isn't good usually (yay! three adverbs) but I love Busan when it rains. This city, for reasons peculiar to itself, really benefits from a bath. It is normally a little dusty, a little grubby, and wears all of its odors maybe a little too proudly. A little rain gives it a shine and softens the stonger smells. It is nice.

What to do if you get sick while teaching in Korea:

Go to the hospital. Once you have your alien registration card and your physical you are registered into the country's mandatory medical insurance plan. I pay about 37000 won per month out of my paycheck (employer pays the other half) for the coverage and it is well worth it. I have been sick twice since I got here and both times I got fast and effective medical treatment. Today during lunch (this is why I am writing about this) I went to the hospital across the street with a bad cold.

Crunch King

Up until quite recently I thought the only crunch I was going to experience in Korea was the one that sits atop the gloriously chocolately “Crunch King,” (pictured) a Cornetto type ice-cream that tastes even better than it sounds.

Korean Egg Quiche, HALLOWEEN SPECIAL (계란찜) (vegetarian)


6 eggs
2 green onions
3 chili peppers (different colors)
2 & 1/2 cups of water
6 tea spoons of salt


*You will need a steamer and a large bowl which is heat resistant.

1. Boil water in a pot.
2. Chop green onions and chili peppers.
3. Mix 6 eggs thoroughly in a large bowl.
4. Add 2 & 1/2 cups of water.
(you can put less water if you like it more dense. Just remember to reduce salt too.)
5. Season with salt.
6. place a steamer in the pot with boiling water.
