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Week #4- April, 27th, 2010- Nightime is the right time

Week #4- April, 27th, 2010- Nightime is the right time

The winter has finally thawed out and everyone is back out in the streets again. It’s been good to get together with friends and rekindle old habits (all day wanders across Seoul ending in all night carousing).

Last week (or was it the week before, oh both) I had a great day street shooting with friends followed by a night out in Hongdae. This is Lhasa, a fucking rad outfit from down in Busan. I originally met these guys at a party at agit art space down in B-town, and had the chance to see them later in Seoul. It was a rad show.

I had picked some 3200 Ilford months ago and was waiting for some nocturnal adventures to use it. I’m really pleased with the results.

nikon fe2
nikkor 24mm
Ilford delta 3200

Filed under: 52 weeks in seoul, Film, nikon fe2 Tagged: 3200, 52 weeks, black and white, Ilford, lhasa, live club ssam, nikkor 24mm, nikon fe2

too much education

I’ve just started reading “In the Basement of the Ivory Tower” (amazon, The Atlantic review).  The book is about an Adjunct professor and how the proliferation of adjunct professors harms students, the professors and the system.

The extra adjunct profs are needed because of an artificial demand for college degrees for jobs that don’t particularly need them.  They aren’t “real professors” and their work typically won’t help them become real professors either.  They are an artificial supply created to handle this artificial supply with no one but the university profiting form the arrangement.

Hereabouts, In the Herald there is an article about “people who are highly educated but economically inactive”.  I foolishly thought the article would be about highly educated housewives.  Korea is still a land where married women choose to stay at home.

No, it is about people unwilling to look for work they didn’t train for:

Presumably, many of those economically inactive people have given up the idea of actively seeking employment when jobs available to them are considered to be beneath them. They are often referred to as “discouraged” workers.

Decent jobs are not easily created at a time when colleges and universities are sending out an increasing number of graduates each year. When such jobs are not available, discouraged graduates simply give up, rendering the high level of education they have received useless.

Many Koreans overeducate themselves out of the job market, with more than 80 percent of high school graduates being admitted to colleges or universities each year. The ratio soared from 33.2 percent in 1990 to 83 percent in 2009 ― a phenomenon often referred to as “inflation in education.” 

If you read the original Herald article, there is a strange paragraph about how companies – out of the goodness of their hearts- should create jobs for these university graduates – simply because they should and apparently have the money.

Anyway, Professor X (the anonymous author of Basement) describes the expectations the university has for his students – they should be able to find work with the training he gives but also be prepared and with the skills needed to advance to graduate degrees in their fields.   The business of the US government is business and the business of professors is apparently to make more professors.

Which brings us to three articles from Nature on PhDs.

In Rethinking PhDs, Allison McCook writes:

“Most of them are not going to make it.” That was the thought that ran through Animesh Ray’s mind 15 years ago, as he watched excellent PhD students — including some at his own institution, the University of Rochester in New York — struggle to find faculty positions in academia, the only jobs they had ever been trained for. Some were destined for perpetual postdoctoral fellowships; others would leave science altogether.

Within a few years, the associate professor was in a position to do something about it. A stint in a start-up company in California had convinced him that many PhD graduates were poor at working in teams and managing shifting goals, the type of skills that industrial employers demand. So he started to develop a programme that would give students at Keck Graduate Institute (KGI) in Claremont, California, these skills. “I was determined not to have to keep watching scientists struggle to find the jobs they were trained to do.”

In The PhD Factory, David Cyranoski and others write about the rising popularity of doctorates:

Scientists who attain a PhD are rightly proud — they have gained entry to an academic elite. But it is not as elite as it once was. The number of science doctorates earned each year grew by nearly 40% between 1998 and 2008, to some 34,000, in countries that are members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The growth shows no sign of slowing: most countries are building up their higher-education systems because they see educated workers as a key to economic growth (see ‘The rise of doctorates’). But in much of the world, science PhD graduates may never get a chance to take full advantage of their qualifications.

Japan’s case may relate well to Korea’s:

In the 1990s, the government set a policy to triple the number of postdocs to 10,000, and stepped up PhD recruitment to meet that goal. The policy was meant to bring Japan’s science capacity up to match that of the West — but is now much criticized because, although it quickly succeeded, it gave little thought to where all those postdocs were going to end up.

Academia doesn’t want them: the number of 18-year-olds entering higher education has been dropping, so universities don’t need the staff. Neither does Japanese industry, which has traditionally preferred young, fresh bachelor’s graduates who can be trained on the job. 

Mark Taylor in Reform the PhD System or Close It Down continues the call for change:

The system of PhD education in the United States and many other countries is broken and unsustainable, and needs to be reconceived. In many fields, it creates only a cruel fantasy of future employment that promotes the self-interest of faculty members at the expense of students. The reality is that there are very few jobs for people who might have spent up to 12 years on their degrees.

Most doctoral-education programmes conform to a model defined in European universities during the Middle Ages, in which education is a process of cloning that trains students to do what their mentors do. The clones now vastly outnumber their mentors. The academic job market collapsed in the 1970s, yet universities have not adjusted their admissions policies, because they need graduate students to work in laboratories and as teaching assistants.

Teaching assistants.  They would be similar to adjunct professors, right?

The three articles do suggest ways to improve the system.  Most involve cross-disciplinary degrees and work on real-world problems.  “Provid(ing) clean water to a growing population” is a one example.  Cyranoski also suggested cross-ocean degrees (‘cross-ocean’ is my term) where students might study at an American and a British university with two advisors in two disciplines.  The fact that neither advisor was fully in charge would require the student to take more control of his work.

Rethinking PhDs and The PhD Factory are also available as PDFs at the links above.

I have worked at two universities in Korea.  The first was perhaps at the third tier and the current one is rising through the ranks rapidly (according to their own PR).  Both seem more like three- and four- year technical schools.  My students don’t learn biology, they learn bio-tech; I don’t think there is a computer science program but there is a computer game deign major…  One student in a Police Administration program told me she was interested in continuing to a PhD in Pol Admin (and she seemed smart and capable enough) and the other students looked surprised.  I had thought this technical school focus was wrong.  I have nothing against such schools but felt, from the way my university worked, twenty-something years ago, that such College style training was improper for University.  Clearly, I need to rethink this.

Places to Visit Nearby (Korea)

Travellers starting in, or moving on from, Korea have an number of exciting options of where to explore next with a number of relatively nearby Asian destinations offering an interesting onward itinerary.
Travellers can choose to head for the neighbouring Asian nations of China or Japan, or opt for a complete change of culture by catching flights to Mumbai and heading off to explore India.

China and Japan – Great Onward Travel Options

Travelling from Korea, both China and Japan are natural possible choices of destinations, each offering their own unique appeal for visitors.
Head for China to explore this relatively newly accessible tourist destination. Walk the Great Wall of China or head for one of the countries amazing traditional temples. Alternatively explore the urban area of Beijing, which recently hosted the Olympic games to great acclaim.
A short hop away from Korea is the island nation of Japan, which offers some exciting sights for tourists. See snow-capped Mount Fuji, ride the bullet train or take in the hustle and bustle of the modern city of Tokyo with its busy business district and karaoke culture.

Use the Opportunity to Explore India

Holidaymakers looking for a port of call after Korea would be well advised to consider India as their next stop on the Asian exploration route. With its strong traditions, rich culture and history and amazing cuisines, not to mention stunning scenery, India remains a “jewel in the crown” for those that are lucky enough to spend time here. Popular must sees for those in India include:

  • The Taj Mahal – this mausoleum stands as a testament to one man’s love for his wife and its silhouette against the sky at sunset is an iconic Indian image that cannot be ignored. Situated outside Agra, the Taj Mahal is a must for those wanting to make some magical Indian memories.
  • Goa – this coastal region of India offer a real chance to relax and recharge in a stunning seaside setting. With spectacular stretches of white sand, and a warm local welcome, visitors to Goa can enjoy an unrivalled experience.
  • Rajasthan – The home of the Maharajas, Rajasthan is India’s Royal Country – steeped in centuries of tradition and studded with some superb sites of interest including the pink city at Jaipur and a selection of traditional temples.
  • Kashmir – a land of mountains and lakes Kashmir is an amazing destination or those looking to uncover wild India, as well as being a popular stop for those seeking to uncover the country’s culinary delights.

Take Off for Thailand

Another alternative when heading off from Korea is to head for Thailand –a tropical paradise offering something for everyone from the frenetic pace of city life in Bangkok, to a bit of beach based relaxation in the tourist spots of Phuket or Koh Samui.
Thailand is a really affordable travel option and caters well to tourists offering a range of accommodations as well as excellent attractions.
Don’t miss the amazing full moon beach parties, or the opportunity to explore to amazing uninhabited islands.

Nanoomi Running and Cafe Monsieur

Running gear in backpack... check
Refillable bottle of Arisu*... check
Supportive wife cheersquad... check

*Delicious and safe Seoul city tap water

To run or not to run? That was the question eventually answered yes by a small slice of the Nanoomi blogging community half a moon ago.

How far did we run? Ten kilometres.
Where was the event? World Cup Stadium.
Why were we running? For a free* pair of socks and an excuse to wake up early.

*Free upon payment of the mandatory fee

I myself don't mind too much paying money to someone to do what can always be done alone for free. Was that an awkward sentence? I hope not. My grammar tends to funny up a bit when blogging in evening late. But let's not digress. What you're paying for when you pay for a run is the luxury of running with others along a predetermined track guaranteed to be free of bicycles approaching in the opposite direction.

Which you can only do by leaving Seoul, or simply wiring $30 to some guy somewhere who knows how to get permission from the city council to cordon off a portion of public space for a limited period of time.

Here's the World's Most Underappreciated Running Team, minus Keira who arrived shortly thereafter. This snap was photo'ed by my lovely wife, who hauled 2.6kg of baby all the way to World Cup Stadium just to show support. On the left is Hannah, then me, then Alice and on the right is Ed.

I like to think that we were all smiling in anticipation of this particular sentence.

Without so much as a starter's pistol, off we ran into the sunny unknown. I'd been jogging around campus as well as running various errands for Professor Tsang in the weeks leading up to the event, so was in fairly good shape.

Helium filled balloons are nice, although they're all destined to land as a potential traffic hazard or a miniscule component of the Pacific Trash Vortex.
What the world needs is some kind of alternative biodegradable balloon. Something that stretches, is natural, would normally be discarded, is opaque and can be filled with helium.

How about lamb stomachs?

If you leave a camera with your pregnant wife, it's possible to determine what she was up to in your absence by inspecting the photos left behind.
Using special powers of deductive reasoning, I can surmise a few things from this photo. At some point in time she was obviously inspecting the lens of my camera while holding it up in the air, and accidentally pressed the shutter button. She also looks a bit like a bug when wearing those sunglasses.

And from this photo I can see that she enjoyed a Vegemil A while sitting at a park bench.
Apparently she also knows how to read Korean.

This is me crossing the finishing line. I never realised my legs were so sinewy. They don't look like that when I'm sitting in a chair.

I just checked.

Post-race we were all feeling a little proud of ourselves, mostly for not bombing out halfway and dejectedly sauntering off to Dunkin' Donuts. Not that Nanoomites would consider such a thing. We all received a medallion for our efforts and the promise to one day partake in such an activity again.

It was a good time.

Now we're in the Gyodae area. The lady behind that counter is Taewon Seo's wife, busily making a green tea latte' for Heather and myself. Her coffees are among the best in the northern hemisphere. I'm also fond of the wine glasses on the shelf below, featuring sequential volumetric increments of coffee beans. It probably represents the shared linearity between consumption of mutually diuretic beverages.

This is how to get to Taewon's Cafe Monsieur. For some reason I have the Sesame Street song in my head now.

"Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?"

A few characters from Gyodae Toastmasters were also enjoying our favourite coffee retreat that day. In this photo you can see Trinity on the left, David Koch and good ol' Vronny Jentakis.

That's cream cheese in the middle there. I tend to avoid repeating myself on the blog wherever possible, but let me say once again with utmost conviction that while Taewon's wife's coffee is the best in the northern hemisphere, Taewon's bread is the most delicious bread south of the Han River. 

And I'm not just saying that because Taewon is a nice guy.
His bread really is delicious.

Mmm, here's our green tea latte'. Needless to say, deliciousness rarely appears in such a light shade of green. I myself prefer drinks more traditionally befitting of a masculine character, like ox blood or dragon tears, but every once in a while depart from my usual ungrantable requests.

If you're in the Gyodae area, pop over to Cafe Monsieur and order yourself a coffee and a baguette. And if you're familiar with the ever-widening sphere of Nanoomi influence, consider coming along for a 10km run sometime.

See you soon.

Busan e-FM Week 21: The Korean Media

About 'Open Mike in Busan'


Today’s topic is the media in Korea – so I’m talking about TV, radio and the newspapers.


I never saw a lot of Korean TV before I came here. I’m afraid that there’s no Korean Wave in England. Of course, I’ve seen some here now. From what I’ve seen I suppose you’d say it was broadly similar to British TV, but there really seem to be three main types of Korean television programme – historical dramas, soap operas and light entertainment shows. Or maybe I have this impression because it’s what my mother-in-law always watches.

We subscribed to a big multi-channel package here, and it has a lot of American programmes. I had a service like this in England, but it’s a lot cheaper in Korea, which is just as well because really, I’m too busy to watch it. Anyway, it’s pretty difficult to work out what’s on when you have to translate the Korean schedules. In a way, the video-on-demand service seems more of a promising option, but with ours [Mega TV] the menu system is awful and the hardware is worse – it’s painfully slow, and has a badly designed remote control with poor infra-red sensitivity. Changing channels is an ordeal - you can press a number on the remote control and wait five seconds for it to it to appear on the screen, and it doesn’t always catch it so you end up on a different channel and then the whole process begins again. It can take up to a minute to change channels. You can watch a lot of programmes on TV about serial killers, but this might actually be the first TV service that can turn you into one.

When we were shopping for a new television, we also looked at TVs with a time-machine function – it’s like TiVo – essentially a system where the TV records programmes automatically. We had this in England and it was quite useful. But the staff member in the first store we went into said “Why do you need it? Just download what you want to watch from the Internet.” I appreciated his blunt assessment of the realities of watching TV in Korea, but if anything it was almost an argument for not buying a TV at all.

Television versus learning Korean

Maybe it would have been better not to buy a TV; it’s bad for learning Korean because it’s easy to end up watching American TV shows all the time. I think this is the paradox of learning Korean in today’s world. In principle, we have more technology such as computer programs, mobile applications and electronic dictionaries to assist us, but on the other hand it’s a more globalised, smaller world in which it’s much easier to stay in touch with people and the culture back home.

I imagine that twenty years ago there was a much greater sense of isolation – less television, no Internet [for the general public at least], no Facebook and no easy phone calls to friends and family back home. There weren’t the fancy toys to help in the learning process, but it was real immersion in the language and culture. Now, we can sit around in our Korean homes watching American shows and not have to learn Korean for our TV fixes.

Favourite Korean programmes

I don’t really have any favourite Korean TV programmes because my language ability isn’t good enough. But some programmes are useful, such as the game show with parents and children, guessing a word from clues. Things like that are easier to follow.

I’d heard about the e-leagues – video game leagues – here, but I’ve still been amazed to find an entire channel apparently dedicated to StarCraft. It’s even more amazing now they show StarCraft II in HD. I used to play Kartrider a lot and it was interesting to see the Kartrider competitions on TV too. We don’t have game channels in the UK.

Non-Favourite Korean programmes

What shocked me about Korean TV was the casual animal cruelty you can see. I turned on the TV once and was immediately confronted by a show showing cock-fighting – and it was an entertainment show, not some kind of documentary. In the US there are organisations such as PETA monitoring content, and you always see the disclaimer on programmes and movies ‘no animals were harmed during the making of this’. When I saw the cock-fighting I half-expected to see Borat commentating – it had that kind of atmosphere.

Then there was a show that featured fish fighting, with an excited sports-commentary style voice-over. I have to say, watching fish tearing each other apart can be pretty brutal. And on another game show contestants had to scoop as many live crabs up from one place in a bucket to deposit them in another. It was rough – legs were coming off and flying everywhere. It’s sad to see this kind of thing.

Sex and violence

Then there’s the ‘19-rated’ programmes – a mixture of sex, porn and violence – that are on all day [I'll do a post on this in the near future]. In principle I don’t mind the idea of there being sex on TV during the daytime – I’m no puritan – but now I have a child, I have to worry about what he might see when he’s old enough to watch TV.

It’s different in my country. Anything with explicit sex or violence – which has an 18-rating in the UK – has to be shown after 9pm, which is what’s called the ‘watershed’. Maybe it’s hypocrisy, because the sex doesn’t bother me, but I really don’t want to see a guy getting his finger chopped off at 11am when flicking through channels. For that matter – I don’t want to at 11pm either.

You know what really seems to be a hypocrisy though? The way knives and cigarettes are regularly blurred out on TV but the violence isn’t. I watched a war movie once and there was a lot of very graphic and bloody killing, but in a scene where the soldiers were smoking, the cigarettes were blurred out. So it’s OK showing you how to kill a person in great detail, but let’s not encourage anyone to smoke.


As far as radio is concerned I listen to a few shows on Busan e-FM, including Inside Out Busan. I’m contractually obliged to say that of course, but I really do. Segments like What’s Popin Busan [sic] are quite useful. Because I’m not a teacher here I don’t really feel part of a community, so it’s good to hear about local information, events and news.


I read the Korean newspapers for thirty minutes to an hour every day – but the English-language versions of course, which are very useful. I’m struggling to learn Korean, but it’s still important to understand what’s going on here with society, economics and politics, which newspaper is attacking foreigners this week, that sort of thing.

But the newspapers themselves are an interesting subject, because I think they regularly present things as facts with very little basis for doing so, and they have a habit of manipulating stories into what they want them to be. [It's not just the newspapers either]. And then there are the ridiculous stories like the 2012 alien attacks in the heavyweight newspapers. Of course, we know how racist some of the portrayals of foreigners are, but it goes much further than that, with urban myths such as ‘fan death’ regularly given credence as fact even though Korean scientists have said there’s really no basis for it. I call it the K-facts issue – facts that are only facts in the Korean media. Unfortunately it creates a dangerous society, because then the kind of people who blindly believe what the media is telling them tend to then react badly to foreigners [incitement to racial hated is a crime in my country] and they also react badly to anyone who disagrees with the 'facts' they've been told about other issues.

Busan e-FM
Inside Out Busan

Air date: 2011-03-16 @ ~19:30
Twitter:  @BusanMike
YouTube: /BusanMikeVideo
Flickr:  /busanmike

Home Cooking: Kimchijeon and Sigeumchi namul

I've been trying to be more adventurous with my cooking lately...or should I say, trying to cook, period. It's really easy to get caught in the rhythm of eating out in Korea; food is reasonably priced and very healthy. Plus, I'm usually the first to point out that I'm not really much of a cook. Maybe it's my ADD or maybe that I need to invite others over more often because cooking for one can get a little lonesome. 

I'm trying and I must admit, it's not bad, not bad at all.

Korean Food- Kimchi pancake / 김치전 / Kimchijeon and Spinach side dish / 시금치나물 / Sigeumchi namul 

Thai Food- Tom Kha Gai / Coconut Chicken Soup

Creative Korean Advertising #26: I’M FREE TO BUY NIKE SHOES

Normally if I saw something like this, then I too would think it was just another Korean ad that didn’t get a once-over by a native-speaker (or rather did, but just had his or her advice “corrected”). But in fact, it turns out to be part of a clever marketing campaign by Nike to promote a women’s race in Seoul in June (registration details available in English or Korean), in which you can make your own posters using the “I’m free to” logo with your own photos or the ones provided. Go to the site and try for yourself!

While I’m all for encouraging more Korean women to exercise of course, the cynic in me notes the unstated rule that only women wearing expensive Nike shoes with the Nike+iPOd chip inserted will be allowed to participate. But still, I do hope you enjoy making your own posters (some of the ones in the gallery are really quite funny), although unfortunately the 10 character limit in the slogans doesn’t allow one to write anything too profound. Can anyone improve on my own attempts?^^

(For more posts in the Creative Korean Advertising series, see here)


Filed under: Body Image, Creative Korean Advertising, Exercise, Korean Advertisements Tagged: 나이키, Nike


Monday Market


Monday is the day I spend in the studio. Before heading that way, I went to the nearby market. I was in search for a particular shell. The lovely ladies sit all day and have the fresh seafood in buckets in front of their crisscrossed legs. They shell out the mussels and clams,and fill bags with the leftover shells. I want those shells. Future installation. This particular market did not have them, but it did have a wonderful quietness and provided me with peppers, spinach, and tomatoes. And the wonderfulness continued with my favorite Korean meal. The next couple hours in the studio were quite productive and the mood had been set with the color and quiet of the market.

King Beer Mart – Seomyeon
Visit our Facebook page (and 'like' us too)!

the sign at king beer mart, seomyeonI’ve seen about a bajillion ‘beer marts’ around and heard a lot about them, but I had never actually gone in one until the other night.

After visiting, it’s pretty much what you think it is: a beer mart. They sell beer. But they also provide you a nice relaxed place (hof-atmosphere) in which to drink that beer. There are also some snacks on sale (popcorn, chips, squid jerky), but we didn’t bother with those.

the big tree inside the king beer martThe beer selection is pretty much the same that you’d see at a Wa-Bar, which is to say it’s much more extensive than your typical hof or shop. The prices are fairly decent, too – definitely cheaper than in a hof or restaurant.

The reason to come here (or a place like it) is the beer. It was just really nice to NOT drink Hite or Cass. Not that I dislike either of those – it’s just that sometimes, a beer that you can actually taste is a pretty awesome thing.

Posted hours: 5pm-4am

shopping at king beer mart seomyeon

They even give you a little cute basket!!!!!!

Selection and price list (I probably missed a couple, so forgive me):
3.0k – Bud, Hite, Cass
4.0k – Tsingtao
4.5k – Heineken, San Miguel, Bud Lite, Singha, Kirin, Lowenbrau, Carlsberg, MGD
4.8k – VB, Hoegarten, Red Dog, Tiger, Beck’s Dark, Beck’s
5.3k – XXXX, Leffe,
5.4k – Woodstock
5.5k – Pilsner Urquell
6.5k – Sam Adams
6.8k – Guiness, 500ml Kozel Black
7.8k – 640ml Tsingtao
9.0k – 640ml Heineken

Directions: Seomyeon metro exit 2. Walk down a few blocks to Judie’s Taehwa and turn left. Walk down a few blocks, past the CGV, past Bubble. You’ll see the colorful sign on the 2nd floor on your right.
ALTERNATIVELY (a little faster if you’re coming from east of Seomyeon), get off at Jeonpo station on line 2, go out exit 7, take your first left, and walk a few blocks. You’ll see the King Beer Mart on the second floor on your left.

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