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The Basement – PNU

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the sign outside for the basement in pnu

The sign out front

The Basement is one of those places that everybody in Busan is supposed to know about. Mentions of it are often prefaced with phrases like legendary and the most popular expat bar in Busan. For months now, when it’s been brought up, I’ve been pretending that I’ve been there. I didn’t want people to think I was a loser. To think I wasn’t hip with the goings on around Busan. Well, now I have been there, and I can successfully look back and realize I was actually a loser. It’s alright, though, now I’m cool.

interior of the basement, located in PNU

The cozy interior of The Basement

The Basement wasn’t at all what I was expecting. Seeing the live music listings, I imagined it was just a PNU version of Vinyl Underground. I guess there are name associations at play as well, since basements are usually underground. Still, the inside was much smaller and cozier than I was imagining. The crowd was pretty laid back as well. Genius Rock, who I’d seen a few weeks earlier at the Vinyl punk show, was set to play later that night.

stairway leading down into the basement, in pnu

Stairway leading down into The Basement

The drinks are cheap, and the bar is really fun. It’s relaxed and everyone is extremely friendly. They also have a big screen to watch soccer games on, which makes me happy.

If I lived closer to PNU, I could definitely see myself hanging out at the Basement far more than would be healthy. It’s got a more intimate feel, and much better ambience than a lot of the other expat bars in Busan. So if you’re like me, and have been living a shameful lie by pretending you’ve been to The Basement, maybe now is the time to venture up to PNU and actually check it out.

Directions:  From the PNU metro stop, go out exit 1.  Walk straight for two blocks.  Go through the big intersection.  Continue straight until the next big road, then turn right.  Walk for a block and a half.  Look for the black and green basement sign on your right.

View BUSAN! AWESOME! in a larger map

CENSORED! (but here it is)

(The following is a piece that was recently killed by a publication that I am known to submit to from time to time. They deemed it too offensive, which it very well may be, so God bless 'em and good luck. I have since given them a more palitable piece for them to run, which they, in turn, have gratefully accepted. But I am still left with this original ranty essay, one which I've sweated and toiled over like a Honduran day laborer, so... why not just throw it up on this old blog?)

If you would have told me ten years ago that I would be living in Busan, Korea, teaching English and doing all of the other crazy things I do, I would have asked you what flavor of meth you were shooting and then demanded a fix. But here I am and while it is weird, any real sense of exoticism was lost long ago. The bizarre has became mundane and Korea—as far from America as it is—is just a place I ended up; it’s my home now and that’s that. But every once in a while I am snapped out of this spell of normalcy, like the other day as I was walking out of the Yeonsan-dong subway station—an impressive,state-of-the-art facility. There, just meters from the exit, was a 90 year-old woman selling a bowl of lettuce, a pile of tree bark, and three dead squid. I was graphically reminded that I do live in Korea, and yes, it is weird.

But despite any weirdness, let me say this: If you are over 30, with no woman, a useless degree, and terrible employment prospects—this place is paradise. When I first got here I was given a decent job, a nice apartment, a hot girl, and a complete set of friends. It was as if right there, upon arrival, I was handed a bag containing a brand new life. For the first six months I used to literally have nightmares about returning home. There I’d be, back at SeaTac Airport, quivering before a nine foot tall immigration officer with horns and burning red eyes. He’d thrust a scaly claw in my face and bellow:


“Noooooooooo! Please… I don’t wanna work the Target warehouse… again.”

I loved it here. I had found my niche and reveled in my new found affluence and freedom. I was having the proverbial time of my life. But soon I became aware that not everyone shared my Korean joie de vivre. In fact many of the other expats I met openly hated living here, taking every opportunity to unleash a litany of complaints my way.

“They are so rude. They scowl and hock loogies in the elevators. Ewwww.”

“The other day I was elbowed on the subway by an old lady and she didn’t even say excuse me. Oh. My God.”

“Why can’t they speak English better? And they consider themselves a developed country? As if.”

“Our hagwon director is so sketchy. One mother complains and he’s always changing the curriculum – like last week we could play CD’s and now we can’t play CD’s and he’s always smoking in the back hall and he’s a liar and hates foreigners and we just can’t take it anymore… so… We’ve made up our minds. WE’RE GOING TO JAPAN. They’re nice in Japan. It’s not like here. Yeah, we’re definitely going to Japan.”

I was mystified. How could these people hate this lifestyle so much? Don’t they know how easy they have it? This is cake. Have they never actually worked an evil, terrible job? I certainly have.

Then it occurred to me: The people who come here and hate it are just people whose lives haven’t sucked enough back at home yet. They’re always young, fresh-faced kids with good credit and non- tragic futures. They’re fresh-off-the boat and squeaky clean, with mom’s congealed breast milk drying on their flip-flop adorned feet.

All these years later I still meet them and I ask, “What are your plans?” They tell me how they will finish their one and only year in Korea, take all that money they’ve saved and travel around Southeast Asia for nine months, perhaps even volunteer at an orphanage in Bangladesh. After that they will return home and enroll in law school or pursue that MBA and join the ranks of the young and successful.

Usually they reciprocate, asking me, What are your plans, Chris?” And what do I say to them? That I’ll… try not to get fired… that most likely I’ll visit Thailand during the winter for like the 7th time, where I’ll say "hi" to the three or four of the whores that I know on a first-name basis. After that I’ll return to Korea and phone in yet another semester of English conversation to half-dead junior colleges students… and if I’m lucky—if I’m really lucky—I’ll marry a trophy Korean wife (whose family despises me). We’ll move into Lotte Castle, where I’ll watch her quickly metastasis into a hateful, nagging ajumma, while I drown my sorrows in crates of C1 soju and feel my dreams get sucked from me faster than a fetus at a Planned Parenthood clinic.

The conversation usually ends there.

Yes, Korea is weird, but I love it anyway. Besides, where else am I gonna go?


“We can never have enough of nature. We must be refreshed by the sight of inexhaustible vigor, vast and titanic features, the sea-coast with its wrecks, the wilderness with its living and its decaying trees, the thunder-cloud, and the rain.”

-Henry David Thoreau

These women {we would call them ajumas} are working in the mountain along the trail, providing you with various types of makgeolli, snacks, and hot tea for the cold days.

Lotte Giants Baseball 2011 Schedule - Busan Awesome

sajik stadium lotte giants opening game black and white

Sajik Baseball Stadium

This weekend, tmckee and I were fortunate enough to go to the Giants’ opening game (a 6-0 win)! I have to say that after being in a 6/7ths empty stadium for Busan I’Park‘s opening soccer game, it was a much more exciting and enjoyable atmosphere at a packed stadium for the Giants game!

If you’ve never been to a game before, or if you’re relatively new to Busan, this is definitely one of the most fun things to do in Busan. The crowd is loud, on their feet, and singing the whole time, so I HIGHLY suggest going. It’s cheap, too! Only 7,500 for an outfield or upper-deck seat. Seats in better spots are up to 25,000 or so. Beer is only 2 for a can, and – just like home – you can buy it outside on your way in, or buy it from vendors in the stadium. NOTE: if you think it’s going to be crowded, then show up early, since there aren’t assigned seats.

Oh, and if people say “whoa, that game will be sold out” like they did this past weekend for opening day, then just know that you can buy tickets from scalpers outside. Just be careful – our scalper tried to give us tickets for the wrong date. After we pointed out his “mistake,” he gave us the real tickets for a discounted price. So just be heads-up out there!

Directions to the field: Metro line 3 (brown line) to Sajik, exit 1. Go one block and turn right. You can’t miss the stadium on your left. See map, below the schedule. (some sources say to take the subway to Sports Complex, but don’t do this. Sajik is closer, and it puts you at the front of the stadium).

So here’s the 2011 Lotte Giants baseball schedule (at least of the remaining games):

Teams in the KBO (Korean Baseball Organization)
Doosan Bears (Seoul); Nexen Heroes (Seoul); LG Twins (Seoul); Hanwha Eagles (Daejeon); KIA Tigers (Gwangju); Samsung Lions (Daegu); SK Wyverns (Incheon);

NOTE: All Saturday/Sunday games are at 5pm. All weekday games are at 6:30pm. No games on Mondays. (game times could change)

the crowd at the lotte giants opening game

The crowd in full force... with plastic-bag hats.

4/5-7 away vs lions
4/8-10 away vs heroes
4/12-14 HOME vs BEARS
4/15-17 away vs twins
4/19-21 away vs eagles
4/22-24 HOME vs WYVERNS
4/26-28 HOME vs TWINS
4/29-5/1 away vs tigers
5/3-5 HOME vs LIONS
5/6-8 away vs bears
5/10-12 HOME vs HEROES
5/13-15 HOME vs TIGERS
5/17-19 away vs wyverns
5/20-22 away vs twins
5/24-26 HOME vs LIONS
5/27-29 away vs tigers
5/31-6/2 HOME vs HEROES
6/3-5 HOME vs TWINS
6/7-9 away vs lions
6/10-12 HOME vs EAGLES
6/14-16 away vs wyverns
6/17-19 away vs heroes
6/21-23 HOME vs BEARS
6/24-26 away vs eagles
6/28-30 HOME vs TIGERS
7/1-3 away vs lions
7/5-7 away vs bears
7/8-10 away vs wyverns
7/12-14 HOME vs EAGLES
7/15-17 HOME vs TWINS
7/19-21 away vs bears
7/26-28 HOME vs WYVERNS
7/29-31 HOME vs BEARS
8/2-4 away vs eagles
8/5-7 HOME vs LIONS
8/9-11 HOME vs HEROES
8/12-14 away vs twins
8/16-18 away vs tigers
8/19-21 HOME vs WYVERNS
8/23-25 HOME vs TIGERS
8/26-28 away vs heroes
8/31 away vs wyverns
9/2 away vs twins
9/3 away vs bears
9/5 (Monday) HOME vs EAGLES

View BUSAN! AWESOME! in a larger map



A brief history of tea...

I happened upon a rather detailed history of tea, on a website for men's clothing nonetheless!
Most informative indeed. Do check out:
Andy Gilchrist on tea.

About the Author

Matthew William Thivierge has abandoned his PhD studies in Shakespeare and is now currently almost half-way through becoming a tea-master (Japanese,Korean & Chinese tea ceremony). He is a part time Ninjologist with some Jagaek studies (Korean 'ninja') and on occasion views the carrying on of pirates from his balcony mounted telescope.

About Tea Busan  *   Mr.T's Chanoyu てさん 茶の湯   *  East Sea Scrolls  *  East Orient Steampunk Society

War Memorial of Korea

I recently visited the War Memorial of Korea. It was sort of a spur of the moment type thing. I was on the subway and approaching the Yongsan stop and suddenly decided I'd give it a looksy...and am I sure glad that I did.

The museum really helped put into perspective what it was like to live in post-war Korea. It baffles me to think that the war took place just 60 years ago and then to see where this country is today. There are few visible signs of the horrifying event in their history, yet many of the Koreans I interact with on a daily basis were alive to experience it.

Names of soldiers and police officers that died during the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

Inside the museum, a dark cave-like room depicts common scenes throughout and after the Korean War.

The memorial and museum are located on the old site of the Army Headquarters.

Many planes on display are available for inside exploration.

Some parts made me feel uncomfortable such as being near these killing machines.

There just so happened to be a wedding taking place at the nearby wedding hall.

Busan e-FM Week 3: Living with Korean Parents

About 'Open Mike in Busan'


In the four years since I first met my future Korean parents-in-law, there have been plenty of ups and downs in our relationship. A lot of this is down to me and the cultural difference – I’m sure Koreans just see these things as normal, and of course, they don’t have the language barrier to struggle with. Well, hopefully not anyway.

The first negative experience

My first negative experience was probably before I came to Korea for the first time. My wife started stressing the importance of making a good impression with her parents, and the problem was – my future father-in-law sounded rather frightening.

He was in the police, where he actually investigated murder cases. And from the photos I saw of him, well what can I say? He certainly looked the part – he was a Korean Marine before he joined the police.

Different backgrounds

My background was a little different. I’d been President of my Students’ Union at university a few years before, and like in Korea, it’s a really serious thing in the UK, and it probably means you’re quite left-wing politically. So it sounded like one of those bad American buddy movies, you know - “He’s a right-wing ex-marine homicide cop, and he’s a left-wing political activist – who’s marrying his daughter”. Actually, if you ever saw that movie, Meet the Parents, that was pretty much my situation. If I’d been Korean, a few years earlier, we could have been throwing rocks and tear-gas at each other in the street.

But he doesn’t know about my background yet. That’s actually a serious issue – you know, the language barrier turns you into this kind of non-person here, like a blank slate, in a way you could be anyone. Even someone that agrees with them. What happens when my Korean language is good enough for him to understand how I think, and what I believe? Right now, he seems to think I’m Comedy Mike, but once the language barrier is gone, it might not seem so funny then. Sometimes language barriers can be a good thing.

Comedy Mike

There’s a story to the Comedy Mike title, but honestly, it’s not one I’m really proud of looking back. In my early days here he had a lot of advice for me – you know “this is the way we do things in Korea”. It’s like shaving. Some mornings I didn’t shave and he’d grab my face with his hand and rub it to highlight the stubble.

So after a couple of days of this I noticed he needed a shave, and I grabbed my face the way he did and then pointed to the stubble on his face. Now I’ve been in Korea much longer, I can see how that could have been hugely insulting, because it was basically saying “hey, how come there’s one rule for me, and a different one for you?” I don’t think that’s something a Korean guy would do with his future father-in-law – especially a scary one. Well anyway, when I did that, he let out a huge laugh and said “Ma-ih-keul – koh meh dee” and after that, every time he said something which I kind of didn’t really appreciate, I found some way of getting back at him in return. Most of what I said just seemed to make him laugh, and so he really began to grow on me. And maybe I stopped being so difficult.

A better father/son-in-law relationship

But in some ways I’m not sure we have a better relationship now. Sometimes he asks me when we’re going to go out for a drink alone together, or climb a mountain alone together – you know, all the things I guess his son-in-law is supposed to do with him. And it’s just really hard because of the language barrier – it’s not like we talk alone together.

I do feel sorry for him – I really mean it. I know that because his daughter has married a foreigner, he’s lost something he might otherwise have had. And the truth is, I really want to get to know him as well. So much has happened in Korea during his life, especially considering his job, that I’m sure he has a lot of interesting stories to tell.

The mother-in-law relationship

The relationship with my mother-in-law has been easier; she was always really kind. I thought we were going to have problems at first though because she’s quite a devout Buddhist and I was raised as a Catholic. I didn’t think about that so much before I came here. Fortunately I’d brought a book over from England with me – it was by the Dalai Lama. It wasn’t planned, it was just what I happened to be reading at the time. So I showed it to her and I think she was a lot happier. I told her I was open-minded – my wife’s Buddhist anyway of course, and I don’t really go to church any more.

In some ways it was easier living with her once we got over the religious differences, but in another way it wasn’t. When my wife and I lived here at first we had our own apartment, but then we moved into her mother’s place after her father had to move away to Namhae. So the experience of living in an apartment with Korean parents-in-law is so much different than living in your own place.

I know a lot of foreigners are appalled by the idea – we don’t have so much of a culture of living with parents-in-law in our own countries. We can be a lot more distant with our parents – and yes, you lose some of your privacy and freedom living with other people. But on the other hand, it can give you a much better insight into how Koreans really live, and of course, my wife’s just had a baby so her mother is absolutely invaluable to us now.

It can be unnerving though; it gets loud in the apartment sometimes. I think Busan people can have a conversation about the weather and make it sound like a huge argument. In fact – that example actually happened a couple of weeks ago.


The loss of privacy which comes from living with my mother-in-law is not a positive thing, but I think that language is the biggest problem. Even though my Korean vocabulary has reached around 800 words, most of the time I can’t understand what on Earth she’s saying. But you know, it’s that Busan dialect problem – except of course, with her it’s a Busan-Namhae fusion dialect which, right now, I just don’t think I have a hope of ever understanding. That’s tough when you’re living with someone – there’s a lot of language pressure – every day.

I do understand some of what she’s saying – I think enough to be dangerous, not enough to be useful. I sort of understand bits here and there so, well, what can you do? I started saying “yes” to her when she said things, more in hope than anything else. “네, 네, 네” - see how good I am at that? That’s practice that is. But of course, it meant odd things happened sometimes. Strange food would suddenly turn up on my desk that I didn’t think I’d asked for, and once or twice she was waiting by the door looking at me saying “Are we going then?” when I didn’t realise I’d agreed to go out somewhere with her.

But then my wife told her one day “You know – he always says “네” to you just to have a quiet life – he doesn’t really understand what you’re saying.” So the secret was out, and she was a bit upset – but she got over it. And I am still talking with her, even if it’s just to say “네”.

The future of living with a Korean parent

I thought that living with my mother-in-law was just how things were going to be forever. As a foreigner, I had really mixed feelings about the responsibility, because honestly, sometimes it does feel more of a responsibility than a completely free choice. But then a few days ago I found out that she wants to retire back to Namhae, which is where she’s from. So maybe we’ll end up getting our own place again one day. It might be better, but in some ways I’ll probably miss my time living with a Korean family – it’s certainly... an interesting experience.

Busan e-FM
Inside Out Busan
Koreabridge - Open Mike in Busan audio (MP3)

Air date: 2010-11-10 @ ~19:30
Twitter:  @BusanMike
YouTube: /BusanMikeVideo
Flickr:  /busanmike

Homefront’s Ironic Salesman

Aidan Foster-Carter has a career in consulting awaiting him once he gives up on truth. He should have just penned a cooing paean to Homefront. The only act more illuminating of the human predicament than making Homefront is an earnest rant that will probably sell more games than dissuade – assuming anyone reads it.

Speaking of China, my initial hunch turns out to be correct. If you’re going to play paranoid invasion games, then Beijing would make a less ludicrously implausible foe. Sure enough, that was the original casting. The gaming website Kotaku gave the game away in a revealing article on January 13, 2011. Why the switch? As Kotaku’s paradoxical headline put it: “China Is Both Too Scary and Not Scary Enough To Be Video Game Villains.”[9] More precisely, Homefront needed a scary enemy, a nation that gamers could believe would be capable of invading the United States in a decade or so. Russians? No, too 80s. Chinese? The Chinese seemed like good candidates for this and were initially going to be the … villains. Except [as a THQ executive put it]: “China is like America’s factory …Everything you buy is made in China. It’s all friendly. Everything’s made there, from games, to every toy to everything. So they’re not that scary.”

Well, there’s also the other problem with our un-scary friends across the Pacific. They may not be the kind of guys to laugh off some fun American video game about the Chinese invading and oppressing the U.S. of A. [The THQ executive] recalls getting a word of caution from some of the personnel at his company. “The guys in our Chinese office said: Did you know that everybody on the exec team will be banned from coming into China for the rest of your lives? They were afraid the ministry of culture was going to wipe us out.”

So North Korea it is—and not only for Homefront. Exactly the same has happened with the remake of Red Dawn—only belatedly, and much more expensively. This was filmed in 2009 already, with the PRC replacing the former USSR as the dastardly invaders repelled by mid-Western farm kids. But then somebody got cold feet about how Beijing might react:

As result, the filmmakers now are digitally erasing Chinese flags and military symbols from Red Dawn, substituting dialogue and altering the film to depict much of the invading force as being from North Korea, an isolated country where American media companies have no dollars at stake.[10]

North Korea makes an easy villain, but that’s no excuse. Everything about Homefront sticks in my craw, especially when they have the nerve to claim plausibility for such utter rubbish.

How ironic, that, in a country that boasts of its commercial prowess and freedom of expression as ideological weapons against a Chinese foe it doesn’t understand, Americans shrink from offending Chinese censors! This “Interview with a Central Party Official about Food Shortages in North Korea” is almost as entertaining. I’ve already mocked Homefront. It’s a fitting tribute to American capitalism – that might just prompt a few anemic kids to go east. The game’s shortcomings pale beside the actual security policies of a government trapped in its own newspeak. The game shouldn’t be ridiculed, but rather extolled for the artifact of one company’s mockery of American society’s loving adoration of its own ignorance it truly is.

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Filed under: Korea, Military, Movies/Media, USA Tagged: aidan foster-carter, china, dprk, homefront

29 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Chris in South Korea

In honor of my 29th birthday, which I celebrated on March 29th, I thought I’d mix things up and present some things I’ve never shared with my wonderful readers:

1. Although I’ve lived in Seoul in the past, I actually take an hour-long bus ride to come to Seoul these days.

2. I work with Steve the Qi Ranger.

3. I’ve been swing dancing since college, but I can’t salsa dance to save my life. Guess I’m screwed if I ever go to a Latin American club.

4. The building I work in is right next door to the building I live in – it actually takes more time going up and down the elevators than it does to walk between the buildings.

5. I really miss racquetball, but I’m terrible at tennis.

6. For shorter trips, I actually prefer the Mugunghwa (third-class) trains. The seats are more comfortable, go back further, and offer more room than the KTX.

7. Speaking of trains, I always buy at least a couple of beers before getting on.

8. It’s been awhile since I’ve cursed at a Korean – the last one was hell-bent on getting on the train first, and made no room for anyone to get off.

9. I judge a Korean restaurant by the kimchi they serve. A teaspoonful of limp-looking kimchi that looks like it came from the bottom of the jar? Yeah, I’m not touching that one.

10. I hate soju. Genuinely despise it. Even somaek (shot of soju in a glass of beer). Just can’t do it anymore.

11. I haven’t yet driven in Korea. Well, a bumper car twice.

12. Favorite place in Seoul – Hongdae, without a doubt. Plenty of creative energy and young people. I don’t like to drink as much as I used to, but it’s fun to enjoy a drink while watching a show.

13. It’s been awhile since I’ve had time to pull a Seoul Sub->urban and get off at a random subway stop – wish there were more hours in the day to get stuff done.

14. I typically work in the afternoons and evenings, which offers plenty of time to sleep in.

15. You will almost never see me wearing a hat. Don’t think they look good on me.

16. Except for a visa run to Japan, I haven’t left Korea in the three-plus years I’ve been here.

17. I never really drank coffee until I came to Korea. Now? Meh – it’s a caffiene boost, but still not myfavorite.

18. Hitchhiking in your bathing suit is fun. Puking in a handicapped stall is not.

19. I’m really looking forward to traveling now that it’s finally getting warmer again. It’s no fun having to bundle up to see a park.

20. My book, Korean Made Easy, sells far more copies of the e-book version than the paper version. Weird.

21. I own several suit jackets, but almost always wear jeans and t-shirt to class. The jackets are sometimes worn during a night on the town, or those opportunities to dress up and (maybe) impress.

22. Most miserable hotel experience: Haeundae Beach, Busan. Water on the floor, FREEZING cold, tiny, and dirty everything. If a place is asking 30,000 won and everywhere else is 50,000 won or higher, there’s a reason for that.

23. Bus systems vary greatly in efficiency and signage. While Seoul’s system is quite modern, I was quite surprised by Jeonju’s system. Here is a relatively small town with plenty of routes, good signage, and relatively easy to get around. Very disappointed by Samcheok’s in Gangwon-do. I understand it’s a lightly populated area, but no more buses at 6pm? What the kimchi?

24. I take lots of pictures – it’s not uncommon to have a few hundred pictures documenting a weekend trip. It helps to have a DSLR, of course, and more often than not there’s plenty of angles, different times of day, etc.

25. It’s fairly rare for us to know where we’re going in advance. Sometimes there’s a ‘can’t-miss’ event I find out about well in advance, but most of the time, getting out of town is decided on Friday afternoon. I do keep a list of places I’d like to go (a blog post forever stuck in draft mode), although I’ll also pull out the Moon Guidebook for ideas as well.

26. Abstract art and I never really got along. With respect to the excellent artists out there, drawing a circle on a canvas and declaring it expresses your thoughts about the rainforest makes no sense whatsoever.

27. The Lady in Red and I will celebrate our two-year anniversary on April 4th.

28. Favorite jimjilbang: Silloam Sauna by Seoul Station – it’s not quite a hotel, but it’s the most comfortable night’s sleep I’ve ever had at a jimjilbang.

29. Thinking about what comes after Korea scares me a little. Sure, I’ve saved some money, I’ve gained in experience in both teaching and writing, but there aren’t too many places in the world where the quality of life is higher than here.

Creative Commons License © Chris Backe – 2011
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

This post was originally published on my blog, Chris in South Korea. If you are reading this on another website and there is no linkback or credit given, you are reading an UNAUTHORIZED FEED.

29 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Chris in South Korea

In honor of my 29th birthday, which I celebrated on March 29th, I thought I’d mix things up and

present some things I’ve never shared with my wonderful readers:

1. Although I’ve lived in Seoul in the past, I actually take an hour-long bus ride to come to Seoul

these days.

2. I work with Steve the Qi Ranger.

3. I’ve been swing dancing since college, but I can’t salsa dance to save my life. Guess I’m screwed if

I ever go to a Latin American club.

4. The building I work in is right next door to the building I live in – it actually takes more time going

up and down the elevators than it does to walk between the buildings.

5. I really miss racquetball, but I’m terrible at tennis.

6. For shorter trips, I actually prefer the Mugunghwa (third-class) trains. The seats are more

comfortable, go back further, and offer more room than the KTX.

7. Speaking of trains, I always buy at least a couple of beers before getting on.

8. It’s been awhile since I’ve cursed at a Korean – the last one was hell-bent on getting on the train

first, and made no room for anyone to get off.

9. I judge a Korean restaurant by the kimchi they serve. A teaspoonful of limp-looking kimchi that

looks like it came from the bottom of the jar? Yeah, I’m not touching that one.

10. I hate soju. Genuinely despise it. Even somaek (shot of soju in a glass of beer). Just can’t do it


11. I haven’t yet driven in Korea. Well, a bumper car twice.

12. Favorite place in Seoul – Hongdae, without a doubt. Plenty of creative energy and young people.

I don’t like to drink as much as I used to, but it’s fun to enjoy a drink while watching a show.

13. It’s been awhile since I’ve had time to pull a Seoul Sub->urban and get off at a random subway

stop – wish there were more hours in the day to get stuff done.

14. I typically work in the afternoons and evenings, which offers plenty of time to sleep in.

15. You will almost never see me wearing a hat. Don’t think they look good on me.

16. Except for a visa run to Japan, I haven’t left Korea in the three-plus years I’ve been here.

17. I never really drank coffee until I came to Korea. Now? Meh – it’s a caffiene boost, but still not my


18. Hitchhiking in your bathing suit is fun. Puking in a handicapped stall is not.

19. I’m really looking forward to traveling now that it’s finally getting warmer again. It’s no fun

having to bundle up to see a park.

20. My book, Korean Made Easy, sells far more copies of the e-book version than the paper version.


21. I own several suit jackets, but almost always wear jeans and t-shirt to class. The jackets are

sometimes worn during a night on the town, or those opportunities to dress up and (maybe) impress.

22. Most miserable hotel experience: Haeundae Beach, Busan. Water on the floor, FREEZING cold,

tiny, and dirty everything. If a place is asking 30,000 won and everywhere else is 50,000 won or

higher, there’s a reason for that.

23. Bus systems vary greatly in efficiency and signage. While Seoul’s system is quite modern, I was

quite surprised by Jeonju’s system. Here is a relatively small town with plenty of routes, good

signage, and relatively easy to get around.

24. I take lots of pictures – it’s not uncommon to have a few hundred pictures documenting a

weekend trip. It helps to have a DSLR, of course, and more often than not there’s plenty of angles,

different times of day, etc.

25. It’s fairly rare for us to know where we’re going in advance. Sometimes there’s a ‘can’t-miss’

event I find out about well in advance, but most of the time, getting out of town is decided on Friday

afternoon. I do keep a list of places I’d like to go (a blog post forever stuck in draft mode), although

I’ll also pull out the Moon Guidebook for ideas as well.

26. Abstract art and I never really got along. With respect to the excellent artists out there, drawing

a circle on a canvas and declaring it expresses your thoughts about the rainforest makes no sense


27. The Lady in Red and I will celebrate our two-year anniversary on April 4th.

28. Favorite jimjilbang: Silloam Sauna by Seoul Station – it’s not quite a hotel, but it’s the most

comfortable night’s sleep I’ve ever had at a jimjilbang.

29. Thinking about what comes after Korea scares me a little. Sure, I’ve saved some money, I’ve

gained in experience in both teaching and writing, but there aren’t too many places in the world

where the quality of life is higher than here.



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