Articles from The Rapid Korean Learning Blog

Hangul Stroke Order – How to Write Korean Letters

As you’ve been learning Korean and its alphabet, a thought may have crossed your mind: is there a Hangul stroke order? The answer to this is yes! Specific stroke orders are also followed in writing each character in the Korean alphabet.

This lesson will help you learn each stroke order for the Korean letters. By the end of this lesson, you’ll not only have improved on your skills as you write in the Korean language, and you’ll be well on your way to crafting some beautiful calligraphy with Hangul!

Korean Romanization – How to write Hangeul with English letters

In learning the Korean language, specifically the Korean alphabet, Korean romanization comes in handy. In this article, we will give you a brief and compact overview of Korean romanization. This will help you understand how to use it best. Let’s get to learning!

Pepero Day – A Celebration for the Popular Korean Snack

Have you ever heard of Pepero Day? You may have encountered this snack, but there’s actually a day to celebrate this in Korea. This day also happens to be the biggest shopping day globally because of Singles’ Day, which China popularized.

While the rest of the world is celebrating single people and shopping, Koreans likes to celebrate Pepero Day (빼빼로 데이 in Korean) on November 11th.

Hobbies in Korean – Vocabulary for your favorite activities

Talking about things that you like to do can be fun. This makes learning about hobbies in Korean helpful when talking to a new Korean friend. Hobbies can be one big topic to cover, so you won’t run out of things to talk about!

If you’re new to learning the Korean language, start by covering the Korean alphabet. That way, learning hobbies in Korean will be far easier!

Sports in Korean – Words for physical activities you’ll enjoy

Learning the different vocabulary and phrases for sports in Korean can be enjoyable! It’s because sports are common to people all over the world, which makes it a good conversation starter. Therefore, it can open you up to many fun conversations and bonding opportunities with your Korean friends!

Korean Webtoon – All you need to know about digital comics

Have you ever read a Korean webtoon before? Korean webtoons are like comic books but entirely digital; in short, they’re digital comics. They’ve become much more popular among Koreans than traditional comic books. They’ve grown to be a big industry with even global success and Netflix deals getting made.

One of the most exciting factors of a Korean webtoon is that a new “episode” is published weekly. In comparison, you’d get a new issue of a comic book available to you only once a month.

Cook in Korean – Useful words and vocabulary for the kitchen

Adding to your knowledge, all the words related to how to cook in Korean and the tools needed can be another fun lesson for you to tackle.

Whether you want to attend a cooking class in Korea or identify the tools used to cook your dinner or explain how to make your favorite dishes when you’re in your home country, the following words will prove useful.

Let’s learn about cooking by learning all the vocabulary in this language for the tools, appliances, and utensils you’ll need, from the English language to Korean.

Korean Movies – Everything you need to know

South Korean movies sprung to global popularity through the success of Parasite (기생충 ㅣ gisaengchung), the Oscar-winning thriller and black comedy movie from 2019. However, Korean cinema has already been a hugely successful industry for decades within Korea.

Amazingly, Parasite isn’t even among the highest-grossing of all these Korean films! Of course, the film’s massive success makes it the highest-grossing South Korean film when all the worldwide ticket sales are accounted for.
