Articles from The Rapid Korean Learning Blog

Korean alphabet song – Memorizing Hangeul with tunes

Did you know that there’s also a Korean alphabet song?

Since we’ve all been kids once upon a time, we’ve probably all had the experience of singing our language’s ABC song many times enough we’ve willingly blocked it out of our minds. The Korean language is no different and has its alphabet song as well.

Intermediate Korean – Going to the next level of learning

If you have found yourself at our Intermediate Korean article, that likely means you’ve already learned a fair bit of Korean before! Are you not yet certain whether that’s you? Then check out our article on learning Korean to confirm you’ve already gone through a bunch of those lessons

Korean writing – How to form syllable blocks and words

Korean writing at first glance may appear to be similar to Chinese or Japanese, especially if this is a new language to you. But upon a closer look, especially with a piece of text by each language placed next to each other, it’s easy to see Korean is quite different, after all.

Some may even be mind blown when they realize the Korean language isn’t written by characters but with their own alphabetic system. This can certainly gain one’s interest in how the Korean writing system works.

Religion in Korea – The modern and traditional beliefs

In this article, we will discuss Religion in Korea including the past and present religions on the Korean peninsula. An interesting fact about the Korean nation is that, unlike many other countries in the world, it does not have an official state religion.

That’s just one of the facts about religions in Korea and we’ll be learning more below. Hopefully, this topic is both educational and fun for you!

Korean quizzes – A fun way to enhance your language skills

Have you tried taking Korean quizzes before? If you have been studying the Korean language for some time now but sometimes feel like you are losing steam, this might be a great way to refuel that passion for learning! They can make studying the Korean language more exciting and surprise you by showing you how much more you thought you already knew.

Korean myths – The Legends and Folktales in the Peninsula

With history as long as the Korean peninsula, Korean myths and legends also grew into existence throughout time. If you are a fan of Korean dramas, you’ve likely already been introduced to some Korean legends with supernatural stories. However, the real legend behind the inspiration can oftentimes be quite different from what you saw in the drama – and a lot grimmer.
