Feed items

  • Why is Jesus Wearing Hockey Pads?

    On the way out my friend's door last night I noticed picture taped to the door. The dog ear on the upper left corner was drooping so much that it covered half of the drawing, indicating that it had been hanging there for a while. Despite spending most of my Monday evenings in that apartment, watching trashy TV programs, I hadn't noticed it before. Or perhaps I previously noted and had since forgot; This seems more likely.

    The drawing was made on white printer paper with a single blood-red marker. A lonely stick-man was depicted, in a scene that looked suspiciously like the crucifixion. He hung from a single plank of wood, which his arms were spread out on. Blood gushed from the stick-man's arms and fell into pools below him. Large rectangular objects appeared to be attached to his legs - This part didn't quite fit.

    "Uh.... why?" I pointed at it.
    "A student gave it to me. I ... don't know."

  • Message for Anyone Who Links Me Via Pusan Web/Koreabridge

    The owner of koreabridge.com has decided that he only wants to run blog posts that deal with Korea in someway - lifestyle, politics, etc.. What this basically means is that any post I make that doesn't directly deal with a "Korean subject" doesn't get run on the site.

    My blog originally was about my life in Korea, but it's been five years now, and I'll often write about other topics. I'm not sure if you could even consider a "Korean blog" anymore, despite the fact that its usually updated from The Peninsula.
  • C4 Visa and short-term contract


    I was just offered a 3 month position at a hagwon.  It's a newer hagwon, so he is willing to work with me for a shorter period of time.  (I need a position for 3 months or less). 

    Will a C4 Visa be sufficient for this situation?  He said he will pay for my Visa run.

    Also, he wants me to draw up a contract.  Are there any resources for finding contracts?

    Much thanks!


  • Masters in Education or Teaching Licensure in Korea

    So Im trying to find info on trying to get my master's in education or a teaching licensure to teach back home in the states or Canada. I've heard some things from people and have serached the internet. Just wanted to see if anyone had any legit info. Weather an online program or doing the program at a university in Busan or somewhere in Korea. Thanks. Any info would help.

  • Speedy Recruiting L.L.C.



    Speedy Recruiting L.L.C. is a new kind of recruiting agency that deals specifically with placing qualified teachers in positions in Busan, South Korea. We are run by former business owners, teachers, principals, and hogwan school managers. Together, we are fluent in Korean and English, and understand the needs of English Academies and teachers better than any other. Beyond this, we do an excellent job of integrating foreigners into Korean culture. We give them the information and resources necessary to feel at home in Busan.


    Business/Organization Type: 


  • Home and Away

    Sometimes you need to get away from it all, and on this time particular day 'away' took the form of a tiny island called Yeonhwa-Do off the coast of Tongyeong.

  • Storage Facilities


    Can anyone recommend a storage facility in Seoul? I don't have a lot of things, so a small space will do.

    Does anyone know approximate costs on something like this?

    Much thanks!


  • Car Rentals for Moving



    Can anyone recommend the best way to move from Busan to Seoul?  I don't have a lot of furniture, but it's too much to take on the KTX.  


    I have a few questions:


    1.  How much would a midsize car rental cost, including gas and insurance, for 1 weekend?

    2.  How long does it take to drive from Busan to Seoul?





  • Life in Korea: Checking out a Korean job fair

    Job fairs in America are an interesting mix; some are perfect for the consummate professional in a thousand-dollar suit, while others have the casualness of a college event. With sponsors including a major recruiter in Korea and the Seoul city government, I was curious to see how Korea does searching for jobs. Entering requires filling out a short registration form - I was rather proud that I understood enough Korean to fill it out unassisted.

    Once entering SETEC - the Seoul Trade Exhibition Center - choose from one of the three large exhibition halls.
