
Koreabridge Blog Section

  • Gyeran Bbang

    On a recent Sunday morning wander through the streets of our neighbourhood, Sarah and I came across a vendor selling egg bread, or Gyeran Bbang in Korean.

    My first experience of egg bread was when a student brought a huge bag of it in to share with the class. Feeling the 4 o’clock hunger beginning to gnaw at my insides, I subsequently broke my “no food” rule and allowed them and I a brief afternoon snack before tackling the finer points of English Land 4.
  • Street Foodie

    Hello and welcome to Street Foodie, my brand new food blog!

    In the coming weeks and months I will be dispatching regular reports on my kerbside culinary experiences as I travel from Korea (where I am currently slogging out the last few months of a teaching contract) onwards to Japan, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Malaysia, before finally finishing up in my personal street food Mecca, Singapore.

    So why street food?
  • On Feeling at Home Away from Home

    It has been 10 months now and the earth has gone far enough in its circuit around the sun that the city is starting to throw recollections at me, fleeting memories of my first days here. The slant of the sun, still up now at the end of the work day, the outdoor revelry on weekend nights, the smells erupting from the open-fronted grills, and even the feeling of warm sand under my feet, these things all recall to me in brief moments the initial thrill of being for the first time in a place, then to me, utterly foreign.
  • The Sad Saga of My Left Testicle

    My love affair with the Korean medical system came to its full fruition this weekend as I had surgery to repair various vascular components of my left testicle. This medical episode has been ongoing throughout my first year here and has been described in various post that I haven't the energy right now to hyperlink. I spent the night before I got here in the emergency room with this problem and have been treated for it twice since and several times before.
  • Science Park and a Wedding

    After an initial flurry of motivation for lab work, I've since found the inevitable slow-down that occurs approximately 3 months after you start. The main ideas of science are always exciting to me, however the daily routine of mindless protocols is sure to wither away even the most ardent enthusiast. But I was expecting this to happen anyway. One thing I've learned in life thus far is that in order to get where you want, you often have to do a lot of things that you'd rather not do.
  • Thoughts about tomorrow's Koreabridge Webast

    Been gathering my thoughts in preparation for tomorrow's Koreabridge Webcast. Topics that I'd like to address at some point - either tomorrow or during future webcasts.

    • The Vision/Big Picture
      -a media channel that helps  those interested in Korea connect, learn, and collaborate
      - how  Pweb/KB fit into Worldbridges
    • Standards & Values
      - where do we draw lines?
    • The Business Model
      - show who the money?
    • Community Contribution
      - giving back, starting last year
    • Content Producers
      - what's in it for them?
    • Ratings & Reviews (businesses, employers/recruiters, content)
      - balancing the value of crowdsourcing with the headache of potential lawsuits
    • Forums
      - consolidation?  range of categories?
    • Advertising
      - more than banner ads, interactive advertising
    • Other Sites
      - collaborate if interested, cordial co-existence (no Pweb mafia)
    • Tech Stuff
      - Drupalers wanted,  OpenX vs Google Ad Manager,
  • Thoughts about tomorrow's Koreabridge Webast

    Been gathering my thoughts in preparation for tomorrow's Koreabridge Webcast. Topics that I'd like to address at some point - either tomorrow or during future webcasts.

    • The Vision/Big Picture
      -a media channel that helps  those interested in Korea connect, learn, and collaborate
      - how  Pweb/KB fit into Worldbridges
    • Standards & Values
      - where do we draw lines?
    • The Business Model
      - show who the money?
    • Community Contribution
      - giving back, starting last year
    • Content Producers
      - what's in it for them?
    • Ratings & Reviews (businesses, employers/recruiters, content)
      - balancing the value of crowdsourcing with the headache of potential lawsuits
    • Forums
      - consolidation?  range of categories?
    • Advertising
      - more than banner ads, interactive advertising
    • Other Sites
      - collaborate if interested, cordial co-existence (no Pweb mafia)
    • Tech Stuff
      - Drupalers wanted,  OpenX vs Google Ad Manager,
  • Kimchi Pancake 김치전


    (for 3 large kimchi pancakes)

    Flour 1.5 cups
    Water 1.5 cups
    Kimchi 3 cups (sour ones, fermented longer), Kimchi juice is a great bonus!
    Eggs 3
    Salt 1/2 to 1 teaspoon
    Vegetable oil


    1. Mix all the ingredient together. (except vegetable oil)
    2. Pre-heat a pan on medium heat and oil it.
    3. Pour 2-3 ladles of the mixture (depending on the size the pan).
    Make sure the mixture is evenly spread throughout the pan.
    4. Cook until one side is golden brown and flip.
  • Cherry Blossoms and more....

    Busan, 9/4/09Korea Cherry Blossom SeasonIt"s the season of the romantic flower, the cherry blossom, a flower celebrated (or hated, depending on your perspective) in Japan, Korea and China with countless poems written and paintings drawn for the beautiful flower.Despite their being a symbol of Japanese rule to many of the locals, millions of visitors flock every year to major cherry blossom fe...
  • Cherry Blossoms and more.......

    Busan, 9/4/09Korea Cherry Blossom SeasonIt"s the season of the romantic flower, the cherry blossom, a flower celebrated (or hated, depending on your perspective) in Japan, Korea and China with countless poems written and paintings drawn for the beautiful flower.Despite their being a symbol of Japanese rule to many of the locals, millions of visitors flock every year to major cherry blossom fe...
  • Cherry Blossoms and more.......

    Busan, 9/4/09Korea Cherry Blossom SeasonIt"s the season of the romantic flower, the cherry blossom, a flower celebrated (or hated, depending on your perspective) in Japan, Korea and China with countless poems written and paintings drawn for the beautiful flower.Despite their being a symbol of Japanese rule to many of the locals, millions of visitors flock every year to major cherry blossom fe...
  • BK International House

    There I was, minding my own business in my 2 X 3 metre koshiwon, when all of a sudden I find out that there's a vacancy for me at the BK International House. My new residence is located just outside the back gate of the university and I can walk to and from the lab now. Joy.


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