
Koreabridge Blog Section

  • Tarantino

    With the exception of Death Proof, I've seen EVERY Quentin Tarantino movie in the theater.  In 1992, my old LA gf, the last white girl I ever dated, took me to see Reservoir Dogs.  My LA pal and I saw Pulp Fiction in 1994 in Century City,  In 1998 while home for vacation from the ROK I saw Jackie Brown with my brother and ex-wife (they snuck in beers, and as is commonly the case when beers are snuck into a movie house, they left early to smoke cigs and drink more.  I abstained and enjoyed).  The first Kill Bill I saw in LA, again on vacation, this t
  • Original Mother-In-Law Diary

    Sometimes I look at the other expats here, living the wild single-guy lifestyles we westerners imagine so unique, edgy, cool. Booze and broads and late-night drunken motor-scooter adventures in our Korean-Western micro-culture here in Busan. Then I wonder if my lot is rather dull. I am not one, as much as I have tried at times, to enjoy the Gonzo, too-cool lifestyle. I‘m married, with two kids, and live with my mother-in-law. I work a hellish schedule, hoping to one day afford economic opportunities for my wife and boys, and of course for me. It‘s dull.

  • The Also Rans (a good name for a punk band?)

    I'm currently going through a bit of a drought at the moment. We're on the island of Ko Chang off Thailand's south coast, and street food's been a little thin on the sand. Instead, I've decided to spotlight some of the street food I've had in the last month or so that for various reasons I've left unreported.

  • Honeymoon: Victoria Peak

    The funny thing about travelling is that you often end up making short-lived acquaintances with local people. Then when you look back on your photos after returning home, you remember some of them and think "Hey yeah, that person was pretty friendly."
  • Benny Benny

    Benny Benny

    Written in some Hawaiian and English

    Benny Benny

    Buddha Belly

    Surfing Nui

    Nani Keiki

    You make you

    Fish white

    Father Hau-oli

    When you hula

    On kahakai



    Benny Benny

    Buddha Belly

    Surfing big

    Beautiful child

    You make your

    Fish white

    Father proud

    When you dance

    On the Beach

  • The Little Disposable That Was

    I bought some disposable cameras when I was in the world's most disgusting Wal-Mart in Mississippi last year and this is the last round of photos to come from those small gems. I've been asked quite a lot recently about what camera I use/recommend and to be honest I don't know anything about cameras. Seriously. That being said, what do I recommend? Buy a junk load of disposables and bring those around with you. People smile a whole lot wider when they see something ridiculous in front of their face.

    Ps. None of these photos had any special treatment.
  • Fire and Ice

    I first came here in October 2006, I changed my climate from an already cold England to a pleasantly warm Korea, and greatly enjoyed being able to walk the streets in a t-shirt at a time I might otherwise be bracing myself against a cold Autumn wind. But as October 2009 wore on in Korea this time, there was no respite from the clinging warmth and humidity of a summer that threatened to never let go of its grip.
  • What do you usually wear to work? (poll for October 2009)

    What do you usually wear to work?

    Jeans / shorts and t-shirt 25 (17%)
    Khakis and a dress shirt 23 (16%)
    Slacks / skirt and dress shirt 52 (36%)
    Suit and tie / professional business dress 17 (11%)
    Whatever I want - the school doesn't care 26 (18%)

    Votes so far: 143

    Sounds like some professional dressers out there (and yes, I definitely recognize it's all based on one's demographic!)

  • Happy Greatest Day of the Year!

    I love Halloween because it’s one of those great holidays where you are suppose to be unabashedly selfish. When you were smaller you dressed up as your favourite thing in the whole world and then trick-or-treated your face off to get as much candy as possible. When you get bigger, and if you are anything like me, you jump at any excuse to play dressup with strangers and dance your wings off . Look how much fun it is …..

  • Desk Set

    When we first came to Busan, we'd bought a couple of small desks for our small one-room apartment, which allowed us enough space for one computer monitor each and a third shared screen to display certain stock market data. This was a big downgrade from the six screens we'd had back in the UK, so now that we were back here to stay, we wanted to get back to having the kind of larger desks which would support more monitors.
  • ought



    In the movie Shawshank Redemption, Brooks Hadlyn, played by James Whitmore, answers the question, ‘What year did you come to Shawshank?’ 


    ‘That would be ought six.’


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