
Costs of Flights

Man flights have become expensive here. 5 days to Beijing for 899 plus all kinds if extras. That used to be like 500 bucks. I went to Shanghai years ago for 280 bucks-this was over Lunar New Year. I love that companies added the fuel tax when oil was 150 a barrell but never got rid of it when it went back down. And the taxes here are getting crazy-like 33%. Travelling out kof Korea is not what is used to be although there are some good travel places out there. One is Lotte travel near Bexco. Also, for those in Jangsan, there is a place in the 2001 outlet (in basement).

Is it worth getting an online TEFL certificate here?

Will an online tefl certificate help me in any way here?  I have almost 3 years experience working in a hagwon and will try to find a Uni or public school job next spring.  

Will it make a difference on my resume that I have an online tefl certificate? I am not interested in doing one of the month-long TESOL classes and would just like to get an online cert so I can do it while working here.  

Would love to hear your opinions, especially from those who already have an aforementioned job.

Does Hagwon need transcripts for part time work?

I have an F-2 visa.  I do 3 hours of part time work at a hagwon.  I gave them a copy of my diploma. They say that city people want my transcripts. I'm reluctant to needlessly hand out my personal info.  I've never had anyone else ask me for this college info when doing part time work.

Does anyone know if this is a legal requirement.  My visa is not connected with my job, so immigration is not an issue.



Teaching in Korea

What is going on here people? Jobs on line now are over 40 hours per week for 2.2million WON. Here are some general tips:

You should not be at your school for more than 30 hours a week. This is the standard. School wanting you there from 9-6 should be paying you more. The jobs posted today are sick!

English Resouces For Students in Busan

I am putting together a map for my students of ways they can interact with English, English speakers, and anglophone culture in Busan.  My students are middle-schoolers, so these resouces should be age appropriate.  Right now, I only have a few resources, such as restaurants and English books stores.  Do you have any other resources?

You can let me know here, or add it to my map online:



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