The Start of the Goodbyes - Hanji

Friday was my last hanji class so we all went out for lunch.  My favorite hanji gal, Tae-Soon, had just gotten back from visiting her daughter who lives in China.  I hadn't seen her for a few months and I was so glad she got back in time for me to say goodbye.

We went to a restaurant very near to the hanji shop, but off the beaten path.  It was in a hanok that had been modernized but still had that old charm of days gone by.
My hanji teacher is on the far end, and that is Hannah, her daughter, next to her.  Hannah had recently returned from a year in Canada.  Her English is really good.

                           We took quite a few pictures and then the food arrived.
                                             It went on and on and on.  I loved it all too.

This dish had jellyfish in it and I have always been afraid to try jellyfish.  But they really wanted me to try it and I did.  I was surprised at the taste and texture.  It wasn't bad and if I hadn't known it was jellyfish, I would have eaten more.

                                Can you believe the food?  And this was only the beginning.

Finally some kimchi but it can at the end of lunch and I was too full to eat more than a few pieces but it was also delicious.
                                                      The outside of the restaurant.

We went back to hanji for some coffee and some of the girls got back to work.  This is a light that one of them is working on.
                                 I also got my finished jewelry box.  It turned out beautiful.

 Then they gave me a bunch of gifts.  The pencil holder was made by my hanji teacher.
                     Another gal gave me these hanji shoes she had made in my favorite color.
 My hanji teacher also gave me a business card holder.  Rocketman is using the one that I had made.
 Tan-Soo made these hanji bowls for me.  They are breathtaking.  She is such a talented lady.
              Here is a closeup.  She made the flowers herself.  The center is an old time coin design.
She also gave me this letter that her son-in-law translated for her.  He is Chinese but knows English.  I will cherish it forever.
                                        More presents from hanji girls.  This is a cross-stitch design.
My hanji teacher also gave me a hanbok for my grandson, Noah.  I can't wait to see him in it and I'll be sure to send her a picture of him in it.
                              I also got a key holder.  The keys are hidden on the inside.
And finally, this wonderful letter from Hannah.  She was embarassed thinking her written English was poor but I read the letter and told her she wrote great.  This was when I got emotional.  I was really trying to keep it together but the letter was too much for me.  I gathered my things and made a hasty retreat thanking them for all their kindness they had shown me through the year I was with them.  It is something I will never forget.  I just wish the goodbyes were over but they are just beginning.  It's going to be a difficult week.