I Wish Target Had This

We were at Home Plus the other day and decided to eat in the food court.  We looked at the plastic food in the cases and decided on this.  It was a new offering and contained a lot of Korean fast food.

It was two trays full of food for only 12,000 WON ($10 USD).  As we ate, I kept thinking how will I ever live without this and why can't Target carry this kind of food.
                   This sauce was really sweet and it was served over cold noodles.
                                        Ramyeon, spicy and delicious.  Enough said.
Ddeokbokki with the fishcakes.  I love it with the fishcakes.  It's also a spicy little number that will clear out the stuffiest nose better than a decongestant.

I'm way behind on my posting with the Christmas Day extravaganza so I'm hoping to do a couple extra posts to get caught up.