
One of the greatest challenges (and joys) in creating content for my YouTube channel is editing the raw footage into something fun and entertaining to watch. This past week, I ran a new experiment with the A Day Away: Yeoju videos (Part 1 and Part 2).

Normally, I try to keep my videos in the 3-5 minute range. It forces me to really identify the most important ideas from the footage shot and craft a meaningful story. The trip to Yeoju allowed me a longer format to tell a story, but in many ways it was even more challenging. Sure, I allowed myself 8-10 minutes to play with, but how best to tell a story that kept the audience interested?

I opted to go a slightly different route on this project and select two songs first that complemented one another and captured the overall feeling from the day. It just so happened that they were each 4 minutes in length. As I was going through the footage, trying to score it as best I could, I continuously found myself having to leave clips on the cutting room floor.

I had to leave out the extensive analysis of Sejong's scientific achievements. I had to leave out a more thorough shot of the tombs. Much of Empress Myeongseong's birthplace had to be cut, because it just didn't fit well with the other footage. Some of the shots of Jo and I walking around Silleuksa also found their way to the circular file.

I'm pleased with the results thus far and really enjoyed the challenge that this kid of program presents. What do you think? Would you like to see more longer adventures broken up in this manner?