Articles from Go! Billy Korean Blog

Why Korean Should be Your Next Language: 10 Reasons to Start

For any of you who are still on the fence about learning Korean, I made this video with 10 reasons why you should learn Korean. Here are 10 reasons you should start learning Korean now. This video also serves as an introductory video to Korean, and includes links to a free full Korean course, a guide to the history, as well as some more YouTube channels to help get you started.

ㅂ Sound Change SIMPLIFIED | Korean FAQ

"ㅂ verbs are irregular." Everyone learns this as a beginner when you study how to conjugate the 요 form. But knowing "WHY" ㅂ verbs are irregular can help ease some of the confusion, and make learning them much simpler. In today's video I explain the reason why ㅂ-verbs are irregular, or why they're actually NOT irregular.

Can I Guess How Long They've Studied Korean?

A couple of months ago I had a fan meetup in Seoul, and I tried to guess how long several of my subscribers had been learning Korean for. Some of them had just recently started, while others had been studying for years. So I did my guess to estimate exactly when they started learning, and absolutely failed (at most of them, but not all). Can you guess how long they've been learning Korean better than I did?

Important Hanja: THE LAW 법 (法) (한자) | Korean FAQ

Today brings a new Hanja episode! This lesson is about the Hanja 法 (법), which means "law," but it's also used to mean a "method."

I don't often make Hanja episodes because their view counts are much lower than other videos, but I'll keep making them as long as there's a demand. Let me know if you'd like to keep seeing more Hanja episodes, and if you have any characters you'd like to learn more about.

No more 2-day-old 2 year olds?

It's official. Korean age (known as 한국 나이) is officially gone in Korea. But what does this mean for the language? Should you speak differently, or use politeness levels differently? And what sorts of changes are coming? I met up with Jieun from the YouTube channel "그냥 한국어" and we talked about everything you should know related to this new change.

“One or Two” and “Two or Three” and Beyond | Korean FAQ

You know the numbers in Korean, but there is another set of numbers you might want to know.

One or two, two or three, three or four, and so on. Saying these require another set of numbers, but most of them are intuitive and you won't need to learn more than a few. Here are the most common ones you should know.
