Articles from Go! Billy Korean Blog

Billy Go’s Beginner Korean Course | #89: I Think So

Since we previously learned about the Plain Form, now we can start using it with other grammar forms.

In this lesson we'll learn how we can use the Plain Form to say what it is we're thinking.

We're almost done with this series! There will be 100 episodes when it's completed, and we're at 89%.

자마자 "As soon as" | Live Class Abridged

Last Sunday I did a live Korean class on my YouTube channel about how to say "as soon as."

We learned 3 forms - one for beginners, one for intermediate level, and one for advanced level.

These forms are ~자마자, ~자, and ~기가 무섭다 & ~기가 바쁘게.

I also did a separate live stream previously about another form used to mean "as soon as" (~대로), which you can find on my channel.

Billy Go’s Beginner Korean Course | #88: Doing Favors

In this lesson we'll learn about the form ~게요, which is used for expressing your intention to do something, and for making promises or favors.

Remember that this series goes in order, so start from the beginning if you're new - it's not made to be used out of order as everything builds on the previous lessons. However, if you've already learned these topics it can be used for a quick review.

Billy Go’s Beginner Korean Course | #87: I Said Something

In this lesson we'll use what we learned last lesson (the Plain Form) and create sentences that are quotes.

For example, we'll learn how we can say things like "I said..." or "you said" and more.

Remember that this series goes in order, so start from the beginning if you're new. There will be a total of 100 episodes when it's completed.
