Feed items

  • If.

    I get most of my news from the New York Times and it was nice to see today on the front page of the online edition that South Korea's central bank has announced yet another massive cut in its prime rate. I am not an economist and I know very little about monetary policy and I am not going to sit here and bitch about how this downturn is affecting poor little me, but from reading the article it has become apparent to me that things are worse than even I thought.
  • Dog Day Afternoon

    On Saturday Sarah and I took advantage of a spectacular clear and crisp (and cold) afternoon to go explore a side of Korea we’d heard much about but had yet to see for ourselves. The practice of eating dog meat is one which has earned Korea a considerable amount of infamy in the West and with Busan’s largest dog market only four stops from our apartment, it was something we couldn’t resist seeing for ourselves.

  • Tang Su Yuk (Sweet & Sour Chicken) 탕수육


    (For 4 people)

    Fried Chicken

    Chicken (boneless thigh) 1 lb or 500 g
    ** if you prefer chicken breast, feel free to use it.
    ** you can also use pork or beef if you prefer.

    Eggs 6

    Potato Starch 2 cups
    ** you can get potato starch at Korean markets

    Salt & Pepper

    Oil 1L to 1.5L (depending on the size of your deep fryer or pot)

    Sweet & Sour Sauce
  • No, Your Accent is Broken.

    Taxi, cab, or taxicab? If you chose the third option, you're not wrong, but I don't like it. The other two I use interchangeably. Apparently I'm broken for doing so.Last Tuesday around 4am, the following conversation probably took place :Me: *on phone* Hey, could I please get two taxis in front of the Pita Pit?Random Townie: Taxi?!Me: *waving Random Townie off; still on phone* Yes, two taxis in
  • Passing Change.

    The first time I was handed a wad of bills with my change set neatly on top of it, I ended up dropping my change all over the floor and wondering who the Hell doesn't pass the change separately. A year of practice later, and I can't figure out why nobody working a register in Ontario seems to be able to collect the change from the top of the bill pile without dropping it all over the
  • Canada Land: Not a Dime Store Hooker.

    Canada Land is not nearly as cheap as I am.I went out on the town last night. Given that "out on the town" here means "select one of half of a dozen bars within a two block radius and hope that the total wankers went across the street instead, purchase over priced beverage, and wonder why the lights have turned on and the closing bell is ringing before you're finished your third", this experience
