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Sad in Korean – Vocabulary for when you feel blue

In this article, we’ll teach you how to say “sad” in Korean. None of us can help it, we all feel unhappy sometimes. And there’s nothing wrong with it! You will likely even come across situations where you will feel negative emotions while living your life in Korea, be that homesickness or something else.

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Master Politeness Levels with Billy Go | #19: Mixing Politeness Levels Part 1

반말 and 존댓말 are unique, and you won't use them together in the same sentence typically... but you actually can! And I'm going to show you how not only they can be mixed, but how it can be natural to do so in today's latest episode of "Master Politeness Levels."

There are 24 episodes in this series, and if you're a channel member you can watch all of them right now. Each week I'll post one new lesson publicly.
