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Busan Cinematheque Film Archive Gives Access to Thousands of Rare DVD Titles

I made a new discovery at the Busan Cinematheque today - they have an archive of thousands of DVDs that you can watch there on small screens with headphones for free. It definitely doesn’t make for the best viewing experience (only hardcore cinephiles will probably want to bother), but it’s the only way to get access to such a vast collection of rare titles in Busan. I glanced at the selection for a few minutes, and it’s pretty impressive - lots of older, artsier stuff made by well-regarded filmmakers.

Should Tragedy Ensue...

and the dullness of your scissors makes you blue,there is a place in Seomyeon just for you:I found this spot while walking home from Burger King a while ago. This would be the same Burger King that thinks mayonnaise, which is totally a sauce, by the way, belongs on Whoppers. Burger King is wrong. My horrid display of rhyming and digression into Burger King's folly ways aside, I wonder if people
