Levine's 1st Birthday at Sugar Joe's


Saturday, July 2, 2011 - 21:00


Event Type: 



No, not Adam.

It's been one year. One year ago on this night, July 2nd, the four scrappy boys of Levine found themselves for the first time playing their instruments in front of you, our lovely fans. Of course, back then, "our lovely fans" referred to the EPIKers we begged and pleaded with to come see us. We were so young, so fragile. Kyle didn't have a beard. Adam still had flowing, swoopy, magnificent hair. Daniel was only just opening to his understanding of Greg's bizarre American culture. Greg was three inches shorter.

Now look at us. Kyle is a regular Grizzly Adams. Adam has gone quasi-Marine. Daniel regularly drinks Budweiser. Greg towers over everyone more than ever.

Let's make this one special. What say we dress nice? Black tie, as they say. Class it up a bit. Throw on the stuff you wore when we were all meeting our co-teachers and were told that we had to make a good impression. It's in your closet somewhere, surely.

Of course you know that you all are the reason that we still exist today. Your constant outpouring of support is greatly appreciated and we can not thank you enough, ever. So let us try on July 2nd. We'll provide the tunes, you provide the drunken sing a-longs, impromptu break dances, and shirtless debauchery.

Much love always,
