La Cellier Christmas Party (Daejeon)


Saturday, December 25, 2010 - 17:00


Event Type: 


We are proud to announce La Cellier's first Christmas Party!

As many regulars already know, La Cellier is hosting a Christmas Party on 26th December 2010.

There will be Christmas songs, carols, some jams and performances from many acts, including latin duo Ascension, and GT Arpe.

There will be limited good quality wine at an affordable price, and a select range of European blond and dark beers (Austrian, Belgian, Czech and German)

Limited to approximately 100 guests!

Potluck dinner - guests are advised to bring a traditional dish from their country (There will be different types of Asian, American and European dishes)

Sign in guest list, and 5000 w entry to be paid on arrival .

Please reserve your slot for the Christmas Party/Pot Luck in advance to save disappointment!