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TV Casualty Casualty

Just a quick note to anyone that still reads this thing that as of now TV Casualty will be going into hibernation. Having gotten over my yearly attempt at fiction (see Busan 2060) i'm back on the blogwagon, moving operations over to my new food blog at

Hope to see you there (via google analytics of course!)

Street Foodie

I am a 26 year old punslinger currently serving out the final months of an English teaching contract in Busan, South Korea. I love street food, and as well as cramming as much of it down my throat while I'm still here, I soon plan to take Street Foodie Asia-wide

Gyeran Bbang

On a recent Sunday morning wander through the streets of our neighbourhood, Sarah and I came across a vendor selling egg bread, or Gyeran Bbang in Korean.

My first experience of egg bread was when a student brought a huge bag of it in to share with the class. Feeling the 4 o’clock hunger beginning to gnaw at my insides, I subsequently broke my “no food” rule and allowed them and I a brief afternoon snack before tackling the finer points of English Land 4.

On that occasion the bread was fluffy and ever so slightly sweet, a good foil to the richness of the whole egg that lurked inside waiting to pounce on you with its just-cooked consistency. I remember thinking that if I just had a rasher or two of bacon and some hollandaise sauce that would be me for the day – the kids could teach themselves.

That day passed and although I often saw the egg bread cooking away in the street by our school, I never again indulged. Until I saw this chap that is.

Casting my mind back that Eggs Benedict moment at school I thought I could perhaps regain some of the Sunday glories of yesteryear and promptly ordered one. Unable to buy just one however, I resorted to purchasing three for 2 chun, not a bad price but unfortunately more egg bread than I was after.

As it turned out in this case quantity was no substitute for quality; the bread was overly sweetened and had the consistency of a twinky, much too chewy and artificial for my liking, while the egg itself was unfortunately more than a little overcooked. The combination meant I abandoned the first one less than half way in and had to resort to yet another act of forced littering, abandoning my charges on a wall before legging it in the direction of Dongnae subway station.

Better luck next time.

What the Stag Wants and Won't Get

I have this sense that Jeffrey Lewis and Bruce Klingnor are one good DPRK policy advocate inconveniently split between two partisans. Here's what Bruff Klingwis might write: First Part Although deeply injurious to U.S. interests, nothing that Kim Jong-il has done is irrational, crazy or, that old orientalist favorite, inscrutable. The North Koreans have repeatedly stated that [...]

Today's China Photo

???? Tunxi Ancient Street Originally uploaded by HL Wang alternate frame of change

Pyongyang In Oceania

On the one hand, Australia’s crackerjack fit with the Chinese economy is reshaping Australia’s trade and investment flows, drawing the country into a China-centred Asian orbit. On the other, Australia’s security hangs on America’s continued presence in the western Pacific. A long-awaited defence white paper that is soon to appear is expected to recommend heavily [...]

Political Logic on FTAs Is Bad Thinking

The Economist seems to think the ROK-US FTA could have a hope of becoming law. The president remains adamant that South Korea should do more to admit American cars. But the momentum has clearly shifted. After North Korea carried out a missile test early in April, Max Baucus, the senior Democratic senator on trade matters, and [...]

The Week We View: All the news that's fit to miss

>Nude Germans: the scourge of Europe? Voters from a small town in the Swiss Alps apparently think so. This week they voted to ban nude hiking after several reported incidents of German tourists rambling off-trail in the buff. If you want to test the local folk's resolve and go for a nude hike anyway, you better carry something for your money --the fine is $176>Snoop Dogg was in court this week


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