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The evolution of K-pop, grab your rulers

First we had the talentless, though obsessively catchy, "Wonder Girls," with tunes promoting simple, good times, fun hooks and sex with minors. Then, came the equally talentless, though far less catchy, "Girls Generation" --pretty much the same thing, but only the appearance of jail bait.And now South Korea will unleash on the world a new collaboration, "Women's Generation" --a talentless,

Obama foolishly plays with fire on South Korean FTA

Last year I wrote ad-nauseam on my support for the FTA between the U.S. and South Korea --both here and in the mainstream press.It was then that I coined my now infamous line about the South Korean citizenry's opposition to the trade agreement: "The problem with democracy is that sometimes it works."I really didn't want to get into it the FTA debate again, but this headline in the Korea Times


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