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Small Update

Hello Readers,

Sorry for the delay in posts. I've been trying to get myself motivated, but the amount of stress that I've been dealing with lately kind of kept me lazy. However, I have luckily been offered an opportunity that has greatly reduced my stress, though not eliminated it.

So this is just a little personal update for now. I'll update on something a little more interesting for all of you next time!


I was finally hired at a very nice place after a lot of searching. I greatly appreciate those who kept their ears and eyes alert for unlisted openings. I am very excited to start this job though my current position is entry level and 'fill-in'. I'm hoping that with a lot of hard work I can prove to the great people that hired me that I'm versatile and a quick learner. So then, who knows. :)


I AM still dong the Auggie-talk video blogs, I just haven't gotten around to doing one recently. It's very time consuming to make a blog and finding the right time of day to get started on it has been a challenge. I haven't had a steady schedule these past few weeks so making any sort of plan or schedule to get something done is shaky since I never know what's going to come up.

I'm hoping that I'll be starting work by next week so I can get back in to the swing of things.


Though, I'm not entirely sure when. The plan was to start back this summer, but if I'm still working and I feel like I'm really enjoying and learning from my job then I'll keep it for a while. Though school will definitely continue to be in my cards.


These days I'm brushing up on my Japanese. I've forgotten a lot of vocabulary in the past year and half, and I'm scolding myself for not keeping up with it. It might be beneficial for me to speak Japanese at some point in my job. I'll be dealing with visitors and tourists and since my city sees a lot of tourists from Japan and other areas of Asia then it's good to study up.

Other than that, things are on the 'pretty normal' side.

Not much of an update, yeah?

Oh well!

Until next time,


polar bear moto

after all the laying around and eating involved with new years, it was time to hop on the cycles on sunday for a chilly adventure up the mountain in search of a goat farm. but not before we all met on matt’s roof.

i took some pictures on the holga, which i have lost somewhere in my house. how it is possible to lose something in a house this tiny is beyond me, but that’s the truth.

matt practiced some yoga because i finally found something i can do that he can’t (a headstand), so now he feels like he needs to improve.

nothing says biker chick like a juice box.

we didn’t find the goat farm. but jeff found a desk!

we did eat some black goat, despite not having seen them alive. we pulled into the little village where the goat restaurants were all clustered and promptly got chased down by a handful of ladies who wanted us to come eat in their restaurants. after some squabbling, we wound up puttering down an alley on the cycles, following two grinning, waving korean ladies. it was like they were kids taking us to their fabulous secret playhouse or something. the goat was tasty, but the pumpkin pajeon was the tastiest.

i’m getting a little weary of friend photos and feeling rather uninspired by the korean environment. stateside people — what do you want to see/know about korea?


MMXI equals 2011

MMXI began last week. 새해 복 많이 받으세요!  Feliz año Nuevo!  Happy New Year!  That’s it for me.  Three languages: Korean, Spanish and English.  I can functionally communicate en tres idiomas.  That’s all right for 42 years young.

St. Tommy's 3 bunnies: Blackie, Whitey, and Albondigas

The Year of the Hare begins on the Lunar New Year this year, 2011, the first new moon of the year; and that will happen on Thursday, February 3rd.  We still have a full moon to look forward to before that, on January 19th two weeks hence.  I know this on account of my Calendar, which was made by Chepe Escondido and features his artwork on the page opposite the dated column of month at a glance.  The calendar’s cover is a print taken from a drawing/painting of the female adult love in Chepe’s life, a 1980 Monkey, who is quite lovely, and IS The Saviour; or is it, she IS from El Salvador?  I can never remember.  Chepe makes his calendars on an industrial printer in his home studio, and he sells them.  It’s quite a racquet (sic) Chepe’s got.


As far as New Year's Resolutions go, mine is to be nicer and more personable to people. One would think that drinking or smoking cigarettes – the curtailing of these harmful habits – would be at the forefront of my future promises to myself, since I am such an avid abuser of both.

Chepe Escondido, back in October, made it a point to take me aside and say, just for the record, that he really wished I would just quit smoking cigs once and for all. When people get a certain age, they know people who have died from lung cancer, and that changes everything. Flibby and his wife, both big time cigarette smokers when they tied the knot back in 1995; they both quit smoking cigs on Flibby’s 30th birthday back in the late 90’s and they’ve never gone back. I read Alan Carr’s book. I agree with Carr 100%; but I can’t quit, and there’s a lot more evil in the world than me having a drink or a smoke once in a while. Plus, I’ve got genetics on my side. My father smoked packs a day for 50 years, and on his deathbed, he was still 100% cancer free.  So, I got that going for me; and I eat very well. THIS is my dinner tonight.

Made from raw potatoes, onion, garlic, carrots, green peas, olive oil, salt, red and black pepper, and a bay leaf, with some select spices.

It’s basically the Anderson’s Split Pea, but homemade. That’s gotta cure everything.

What do I aspire to be? I wanna be Dean Martin. I wanna be Frank Sinatra. I wanna be Sammy. I never saw them without a drink in one hand and smoke in the other.

This is my story and I'm sticking to it.  I’m from Los Angeles, born here in 1968, raised here, went to college in Berkeley in 1986, met Chepe and Flibby there; moved back to LA in 1991, moved to Taegu South Korea in 1996.  I spent the next 13 years and change living and working in Asia. In 2003, I lived near the city of Cheongju and first met R.  R loaned me a Dean Martin CD and I lost it, the same night I lost my bass guitar.   The CD was in the case.

In November 2009 I returned to LA and quickly started up a band with Chepe and Flibby. Since then, I’ve written 3 books, possibly 5 depending on the final delivery. I’ve published one, Culturebook Book Two, and it’s selling briskly, slowly, getting there. I know what I'm doing. I know where this is going.

It’s officially the Epiphany, January 6th, the Feast of the Maji.

I'm drunk. I’m smoking cigarettes. I’m at my computer. My mom is in Lima, Peru visiting her 99 year old dad, who’s really just her stepfather, but that makes no difference in her devotion to him, or his love for her.

I’m listening to John Coltrane’s My Favorite Things album in a loop. It’s on my computer. I never bought the album. 

I just acquired it from a friend's computer library. It’s like back in the day, if I cassette recorded a friend’s record album -- it's really no different, except I 'recorded' it onto my computer, so it plays on my laptop speakers while I type onto my laptop. I’ve been listening to these same four songs:


My Favorite Things / Everytime We Say Goodbye / Summertime / But not for me; since May 2009 when I first uploaded them. This is my go-to album while I work. Especially the 11 minute 31 second Summertime, with the extended drum solo, which segues into drums with bass, and later piano thrown into the mix. Elvin Jones’ drum work is pretty phenomenal. Steve Jones played the upright bass, but he’d get replaced by Reggie Workman in years to come. I know that cuz Chepe owned that John Coltrane lineup on a VHS cassette back at Berkeley. My Favorite Things was not only the first of many Coltrane CDs that Chepe purchased back in Berkeley in 1989, but that album originally came out in 1960, the year R was born.  Or was it 1959?  I can never remember.

I’ve listened to this Coltrane album often over the last year, usually at home. I spent the better part of 2010 in my room with the TV off, working on the Culturebooks. For the last year, at night, if I drank, which I did about once a week on average, I put on The Who or Exile on Main Street or Wings Band on the Run. I listen to a lot of the same music. And I’ve recently realized that I don’t really like jazz, as much as I like John Coltrane and McCoy Tyner and others like them.  Like the Rat Pack.

Tonight, driving home, I listened to one of my favorite CDs, again, one which I pirated off the net and then put onto a CD. It’s got the best of Frank, Deano and Sammy. 

Tonight, driving home, I had $5.50 so I visited Frank’s Liquor on Santa Monica Blvd in West LA just West of the Mc Donald’s, near Beverly Glen, where my brother lives. It was too late to visit my brother, but it wasn’t too late to stop at Frank’s. Frank’s charges $5.50 after tax for a pint of Popov brand Vodka, which comes in a plastic bottle.

My brother never shops at Franks, but he knows OF Franks and we both laugh at it cuz we are reminded of Frank Lopez from Scarface. “So you wanna dance, Frank, or do you wanna sit here and have a heart attack?"

My brother keeps on his home mantel a series of framed photos of family members.  With all of us, is Tony Montana, like he’s one of us.

On March 31, 2010, Southpark first aired their Medicinal Marijuana/KFC episode where Eric Cartman plays a Tony Montana character illegally importing KFC from Kentucky into Colorado and Scarface is parodied.  The KFC Colonel plays the Alejandro Sosa character. “Don’t fuck me, Eric!” replaces “Don’t fuck me, Tony.”  Jaime Oliver is the witness Eric is supposed to assassinate, but doesn't, starting the war that is the film's climax.  I rewatched this episode tonight online.

I remember first watching this episode, the night it aired, at my brother’s house on Beverly Glen back during the dialysis days when I'd spend time with my nephew while my brother was at the clinic.  Because my bro has Tevo, I recorded the episode as I watched it and over the next few days, rewatched it several times with my nephew and various other people.  I had not seen that episode since April 2010.  It’s almost April 2011.  I’m almost 43 years young.  And Eric Cartman is still is force to reckon with.


Funny English #4

Our episodes of Funny English are not for the sole purpose of ridiculing other people's mistaken applications of ASCII characters. Nor are they here to further inflate our own ego by gloating at our language mastery, while others proverbially flail.

They're posted simply because of their remarkable ability to amuse.

If you attempt to translate the written Korean on this sign into English using Babelfish, it says "Goes to the soccer field route."

Smells like an updated algorithm.

Listed on this menu is the popular Korean pasta known as 'Meat Sauce Spaghetti.' Sound appetising? Back when I was an English teacher, one of my ice-breaker queries to the students was to ask about everyone's favourite food. More than one bifocaled, gap-toothed student declared to me "Tee-chaa! My favourite food... is... meat!"

But the more obvious offender in the photo above is the word Eatables. It reminds me of my Dad's repeated explanations of the meaning of the word 'Delicatessen' when we were young.

It means 'Delicate Eating.'

My Dad used to enjoy repetitively explaining it so many times that it has burned itself into my subconscious. If I'm ever to awake from a coma, I'm sure the first words I'll murmur will be 'Delicate..... eating....'

Whether or not you find this sign humourous depends on whether you've lived in Korea long enough.

From our good friends at Kwangdong Pharmaceuticals comes the Placenta Essence Mask.


Please, English check before print the menu.
(It might cause the funny problem).

I've thought long and hard about the name of this shop in Uijeongbu.
Many times.

And I'm still stumped.

Fortunately the same mistake here was not repeated for the College of English Studies.

We are learn techology because we got edumcation from da skool.

This photo may or may not be from an 'eminent educational institution' here in Seoul.

Item number 7-12 here is distinct from 7-13 only in that it has a light hint of rotten taste. There are also pleasant aromas of abhorrant reflex.

This wasn't really a Konglish moment though, because it's from the updated menu at the Vietnamese Dieu Hien Quan in Ansan.

It's Vinglish, I think.

We snapped this beauty near the SNU subway station. Some of us were born to be wild. A lucky few were born to be king. 

And then there's the remainder...

And to cap off this episode of delightful applications of the English language, is the most ambitiously labeled paper cup in the Asia-Pacific region.

If I knew where they sold these, I'd buy myself a lifetime's supply.

Tomorrow evening I'm off to Ottawa for a month of research. I'll post an update after the jump.

For past episodes of Funny English that you may have missed, they're right here: #1, #2, #3.


Maybe now Otis can remove the ‘Door Close’ button

The new Google computer will not have a ‘CAPS LOCK’ key.  I guess the people at Google feel it is unnecessary.  My understanding is they will replace it with a ‘search’ key.

Perhaps now the elevator people can either remove the ‘door close’ button or install one that actually works.

I recall, but cannot find, a list of clauses finishing the sentence, “If God were a man, ….”  One of them was “pushing the elevator door close button would work with a promptness that might cause injury”.

I did find many people questioning whether the buttons actually work.

At Snopes, people are debating the question.  At The Straight Dope, it is claimed that:

The grim truth is that a significant percentage of the close-door buttons in this world, for reasons that we will discuss anon, don’t do anything at all.

Naturally, this is not something the elevator companies wish to have widely known, lest there be social unrest. When I talked to the folks at the Otis elevator company in Farmington, Connecticut, they were all innocence.

At wikipedia, it seems that the button works when the elevator is being used in non-standard ways:

This mode was created for firefighters so that they may rescue people from a burning building. The phase two key switch located on the COP has three positions: off, on, and hold. By turning phase two on, the firefighter enables the car to move. However, like independent service mode, the car will not respond to a car call unless the firefighter manually pushes and holds the door close button. Once the elevator gets to the desired floor it will not open its doors unless the firefighter holds the door open button. …

and with “Independent service”: The elevator will remain parked on a floor with its doors open until a floor is selected and the door close button is held until the elevator starts to travel. Independent service is useful when transporting large goods or moving groups of people between certain floors.

As the Straight Dope suggests, maybe I need to visit Farmington:

Among other things, I was told that the close-door buttons at Otis HQ (which, the views of the cynics notwithstanding, is not located in a one-story building) always work like a charm.

This is comforting news, needless to say. I would suggest that any harried city dweller who has never seen a close-door button that actually did something might want to make a field trip out to Farmington to inspect the genuine article.

Looks can be deceiving. These photos may show you a nice, clear...

Looks can be deceiving. These photos may show you a nice, clear day at Haeundae Beach. In reality, it was freakishly frigid and windy, so I was miserably cold. Winter, go away!


Hi, I'm Stacy. I'm from Portland, Oregon, USA, and am currently living in Busan, South Korea. Check me out on: Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Lastfm, and Flickr.



We read Anansi, The Spider. We talked about geometric patterns, complementary colors, and special talents people have. We talked about how a mask is worn for FUN, but also for ceremonies. New vocabulary included, trickster, folklore, adventure, and geometric.

I am making up the curriculum for teaching English through Art. So honestly I am wholeheartedly trying to figure out the best way to have fun, and learn some new vocabulary and phrases. I use a storybook for every lesson, and try to focus on the elements and principles of Art & Design.

The masks turned out spectacular! And the kids absolutely loved them.

Thursday... The Day After

It was a long, long day. Tuesday, January 4th rolled around in Korea, and I knew it was going to be a tough one. In 24 hours, the organizers at Paradise Hunter would announce the finalists for their hosting competition. It was something I wanted to be a part of, and after months of not getting my hopes up too high, I found that they were. So the waiting began.

I knew half of the finalists had already been selected by popular votes, so the remaining five had to be chosen by the producers. I went to bed, hoping to have an email in the morning. Jo and I tossed and turned all night, and ultimately work up at 3am. The producers had three weeks, but even that wasn't enough. After waiting around all day on Wednesday, January 5th, an announcement came at 3:59pm that they had made their decision (11:59pm January 4th their time).

I received an email a few minutes later stating I wasn't one of the finalists. While I was disappointed in the outcome, I was also relieved. The decision had been made and I could move forward. Everyone throughout this process has been amazing. Jo has really given me a lot of support and encouragement, but so have all my friends here in Korea, back in the US, and throughout the Internet. Thank you one and all.

One item I've been sitting on for a while has been a new partnership with Korea.Net. A while back, they asked if I would be interested in writing for them on a new site they're creating. What I proposed was this: I'd continue to film my QiRanger Adventures for YouTube, but write original content related for these videos for their site (and incorporate some of Jo's wonderful photographs). It's an amazing opportunity and I can't wait to begin working with their team. For those that don't know. Korea.Net is the official government web page maintained by the Ministry of Culture and Information Services. Look for updates on these posts and videos to start coming out next week. Videos will be branded with their logo and blog posts will be cross linked. It's an exciting time!

Two final items. If you'd like to keep up-to-date with everything I'm involved with, be sure to follow me on Twitter and like the FaceBook Page. Both are updated daily with news and information about what's taking place in Korea, blogs, videos and more. Plus it's a great way to interact!

As always, thanks for reading and I will talk to you soon!


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