Thursday... The Day After

It was a long, long day. Tuesday, January 4th rolled around in Korea, and I knew it was going to be a tough one. In 24 hours, the organizers at Paradise Hunter would announce the finalists for their hosting competition. It was something I wanted to be a part of, and after months of not getting my hopes up too high, I found that they were. So the waiting began.

I knew half of the finalists had already been selected by popular votes, so the remaining five had to be chosen by the producers. I went to bed, hoping to have an email in the morning. Jo and I tossed and turned all night, and ultimately work up at 3am. The producers had three weeks, but even that wasn't enough. After waiting around all day on Wednesday, January 5th, an announcement came at 3:59pm that they had made their decision (11:59pm January 4th their time).

I received an email a few minutes later stating I wasn't one of the finalists. While I was disappointed in the outcome, I was also relieved. The decision had been made and I could move forward. Everyone throughout this process has been amazing. Jo has really given me a lot of support and encouragement, but so have all my friends here in Korea, back in the US, and throughout the Internet. Thank you one and all.

One item I've been sitting on for a while has been a new partnership with Korea.Net. A while back, they asked if I would be interested in writing for them on a new site they're creating. What I proposed was this: I'd continue to film my QiRanger Adventures for YouTube, but write original content related for these videos for their site (and incorporate some of Jo's wonderful photographs). It's an amazing opportunity and I can't wait to begin working with their team. For those that don't know. Korea.Net is the official government web page maintained by the Ministry of Culture and Information Services. Look for updates on these posts and videos to start coming out next week. Videos will be branded with their logo and blog posts will be cross linked. It's an exciting time!

Two final items. If you'd like to keep up-to-date with everything I'm involved with, be sure to follow me on Twitter and like the FaceBook Page. Both are updated daily with news and information about what's taking place in Korea, blogs, videos and more. Plus it's a great way to interact!

As always, thanks for reading and I will talk to you soon!