we want u to join our basketball team .watch our photo guys

we have about 15 members now .60% r foreigners ,40% r korean.we play 3 hours every sunday .from 12:00--3:00pm .we usually play b-ball  outside(we played in a indoor gym before.but there were so many people cause the gym is free) in nag-dong high school.it's near dog-cheon and hwameyong. we need more friends to join us .it's free to join us.

u don't need to be a good shooter or sth.u just enjoy playing b-ball.and have time on weekends.(if r r a master ,it's cool .of course)

ple check this link to get more information: http://cafe.daum.net/michaelisgod  this is a cafe of our ball team .there r some photos and videos .u will like it . "o"

email or call  me ,01084804613.