Painting in Oil – The Basics, Session II @ Jankura artspace (Itaewon)


Sunday, May 6, 2012 - 14:30


Event Type:

Our first Painting in Oil class was a real success!
Thank you everyone for putting forth such great effort. 

We started by briefly introducing ourselves. Then, I talked about color and color mixing. We spent about an hour and a half doing color tables - mixing the colors on our palette to see what kind of lights and darks they make. 

During a 20 minute break, I set up easels and attendees painted 'color studies' from an artificially-lit still life. I call them "color studies," not paintings, because the focus is not on completing a finished painting, rather, it is about studying the colors and learning about color relationships. I was impressed with the effort everyone was putting into their work, and I got so 'into it,' I forgot to take pictures :)

For Session II, we will continue doing color studies. I will talk further about the importance of color relationships when painting from life. We will also talk about different approaches to color. (From life, from an emotional or psychological perception, etc)

I will begin Session II by demoing how to start a color study from life. 

I recommend that students bring 2 canvases about 24x32 cm to get the feel of painting on a more absorbent surface.

You may also buy a palette knife like the one I showed in session one, and a palette if you wish.

However, if you don't have the time to do this, I will be providing palette knives again, and this time, canvas paper (to try a new surface). I will also buy as many canvases as I can carry to sell (not at a profit) at the studio. 

** For New Attendees ** Jankura Artspace will present bi-weekly Sunday oil painting workshops for anyone interested in learning about this medium. Guest master artist, Barbara Zanelli will lead students in a specially designed program on how to control and have fun with oils.

This series of workshops will teach you the basics of oil painting. We will talk about turpentine, oil, varnish, brushes, the palette knife, surface, and colors. You will learn about color and color mixing. Students will learn how to mix medium, what kind of mediums to use for painting and how to start a painting from life.

You will learn about: 
Understanding temperature, Understanding intensity, Understanding value and how to work in oils to create a beautiful painting.

Supplies included for Session II: 
2 pre-primed canvas paper
1 paintbrush
palette (plexiglass)
oil paints
oil painting medium
paper towels/rags

Workshop dates: April 22. May 6. May 20. June 3.
Time: 2:30-7:30pm

Prices include all supplies
1 workshop session: 40,000won 
4 sessions: 150,000won

Space is limited to about 15 so RSVP by prepayment is required. 

Contact for details on how to reserve a spot: [email protected]

Directions from Itaewon Station.
Come out exit 3 and make a U-turn. Turn left at Quiznos. Walk straight past Taco Bell for 5-7 minutes. Go left when you reach the 3 way intersection after Tous Le Jours. Jankura artspace is on the 4th floor of the building on the corner. There is a dentist and doctor's office on the 2nd and 3rd floors.

bus: blue bus 405 & 421 to Korea Polytechnic

click this link to see the roadview and map.