UPDATED BREAKING NEWS: Threats, Missiles, Subs, and Kaesong

There's a lot that's been going on today in Korea. My Twitter and RSS feeds have been flooded with information. In this video, I give some updated information on the four main stories of the day: North Korean firing nukes at the US, Missile Movement in the DPRK, Losing track of 2 DPRK Subs, Kaeseong Closing and then re-opening. -= WEB SITES =- Twitter: http://twitter.com/qiranger Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/qiranger Instagram: http://instagr.am/qiranger Blog: http://qiranger.com The Travel and News Channel: http://youtube.com/qiranger The Vlog Channel: http://youtube.com/theqirangervlog Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/tqrap QiRangerRTW: http://tinyurl.com/qiranger-rtw-podcast
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Time: 08:31 More in News & Politics