Sore legs....

This is from our third day of walking. We woke up in Buan, and decided to walk up to Gimje for the night. When we arrived to Buan, we wanted to use wireless, and randomly found a connection in Lotteria, so we ended up staying there for around 5 hours updating blogs and uploading videos.... and one of the kind women who worked there expressed interest in our "on foot" travels. She offered us free "soft cones", and then asked us to meet her the next morning. She took us for lunch, and invited us to her wedding next month. No biggie! This song is called "Tether" by a band from New Zealand called Paquin. Check them out:
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Time: 03:19 More in People & Blogs

Bonjour~ I'm a Canadian traveler and teacher who lives Korea. Thanks for visiting my channel!!
let's be friends...
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2년 동안 한국에 살고 있어요. 엄청 좋아요~ 요즘 한국어 공부하고 있어요. 그런데 잘 모르겠어요~. 그리고 저는 캐나다에서 왔어요. 정말 반가워요! 여행, 음악, 박물관, 영화, 미술, 음식, 책, 한국어 좋아해요....
let's meet in korea!