Shinzo Abe Praises Japan's Milataristic Past

August 15th came and went. Keeping his word, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe did not visit the controversial Yasukuni Shrine, home to the souls of Japanese soldiers and fourteen Class A War Criminals. Instead, he supported over 90 lawmakers in their pilgrimage to the shrine and sent an envoy to make a personal offering. During his speech at Budokan Hall, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe revealed his true feelings about Japan's past wartime aggression. "I will never forget the fact that the peace and prosperity we are enjoying now was built based on the sacrifice of your precious lives," he said while avoiding any kind of conciliatory remarks that have been typical of past Prime Ministers. At events such as these, politicians take great time and care to craft their speeches. The words they choose usually can be interpreted many ways, often giving them and "out" if needed later on - a way of stating, "You've misinterpreted what I said." By leaving out words of remorse for Japan's brutal tactics in World War II, and praising the soldiers for their "sacrifice," Prime Minister Shinzo Abe voicelessly gave support for Japan's past actions. Abe has continuously attempted to dilute Japan's history and this speech completely swept it under the rug. While the Prime Minister can say he never used words to support Japan's World War II military, his intent was clear. Sacrifice is defined as "an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy." No reasonable person would describe the actions of individuals committing acts of aggression and terror an honorable path to prosperity. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe clearly feels differently and unapologetically embraces Japan's wartime past. That's what so sad about this situation. Shinzo Abe is missing the opportunity lead Japan forward, rather than backwards. By continuing to use language that stirs controversy in the region, he further isolates Japan in its time of need. Had he acted wisely and offered words of repentance, it would be the first step in settling the longstanding regional issues. When a true leader emerges in Japan and accomplishes this task, then Asia will welcome a militarized Japan, the way Europe has embraced Germany. -= WEB SITES =- Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Blog: The Travel and News Channel: The Vlog Channel: Podcast: TAGS: Shinzō Abe (Politician),Japan (Country),World War 2,News,Analysis,Commentary,opinion,editorial,Yasukuni Shrine (Building),yasukuni,south korea,china, shinzo abe
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