Korean Medicine in a BAG!

Getting sick sucks no matter where you are in the world. Thankfully in Korea, they have a pretty robust health care system. In today's video, I go over the costs of a week's worth of cold medicine from the pharmacy. How much are meds in your neck of the woods and if you're outside of Korea, how do they distribute them? Are they in convenient dosage packs or does each medicine come in a separate container? -= WEB SITES =- Twitter: http://twitter.com/qiranger Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/qiranger Instagram: http://instagr.am/qiranger Blog: http://qiranger.com The Travel and News Channel: http://youtube.com/qiranger The Vlog Channel: http://youtube.com/theqirangervlog Podcast: http://qiranger.com/tqrap TAGS: Traditional Korean Medicine,South Korea (Country),Korean Medicine,Healthcare,Health Care,Medicine,Cost of medicine,Health Insurance,Korea,South Korea,korea,Dongtan,steve miller,qiranger, health
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Time: 02:39 More in Science & Technology