Expatkerri @ SeoulTube 2011

Video from the second YouTube gathering in Seoul, Korea on Saturday May 28th, 2011. There were around 100 people there, and I met lots of other Youtube Korea partners, subscribers, fans and pets. It was great! Thanks to all of you lovely people for being in my video!! SeokJin - http://www.youtube.com/user/jinseokjin Christopher - http://www.youtube.com/koreanwikiproject Yann - http://youtube.com/tyyann Daegun - http://youtube.com/jeondaegun Michael - http://www.youtube.com/p00lman Evan and Rachel - http://youtube.com/evannrachel Stephen - http://youtube.com/stephenworldwide Hyunwoo Sun - http://youtube.com/ever4one Matt Lee - http://youtube.com/liza183 Steve Miller - http://youtube.com/qiranger Anyone else who wants to link a blog or a youtube channel, just message me and I'll put a link here! Filmed with a Canon IXUS 130, and edited with iMovie HD.
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Time: 05:19 More in People & Blogs

Bonjour~ I'm a Canadian traveler and teacher who lives Korea. Thanks for visiting my channel!!
let's be friends...
find me @ www.cyworld.com/kerribang

자기 소개....

2년 동안 한국에 살고 있어요. 엄청 좋아요~ 요즘 한국어 공부하고 있어요. 그런데 잘 모르겠어요~. 그리고 저는 캐나다에서 왔어요. 정말 반가워요! 여행, 음악, 박물관, 영화, 미술, 음식, 책, 한국어 좋아해요....
let's meet in korea!