Cat Funeral (2014)

( Go-yang-i Jang-rye-shik ) Aspiring musician Dong-hoon and prospective cartoonist Jae-hee first meet at their friend's wedding. Dong-hoon is a timid boy and Jae-hee is a lively girl. They don’t seem well matched for each other but soon they fall in love, end up dating and living together. However, their love can’t last long because of many misunderstandings and differences. A year after they break up, Dong-hoon calls Jae-hee up because the cat they raised together has died. As they meet, at some point, they feel a bit unfamiliar with their changed looks. But they soon recall their past memories while passing by the places they were together. And they miss those days, sometimes.
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Time: 01:59 More in Film & Animation