컬쳐쇼크 Korean Culture Shock!! Haircuts in Korea: "We straighten your hair every time!"

If you enjoy this video, please visit Kerri's blog at http://www.expatkerri.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/expatkerri Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/expatkerri Second Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/moreexpatkerri Welcome back to my Korean Culture Shock series. I was inspired after events at the Bolivian salon, so I made this video right afterwards for all of you! Yes, Korean salons are wonderful places! Even though you might not get your hair washed every time, you will probably get it straightened. They seem to reach for the straightener whenever I enter salons.. perhaps because they aren't used to dealing with curly hair? Whatever the reason, I'm glad for it, because I'm always happy with the results. Have you ever been to Korean salon? If yes, how was the experience? Thanks for liking, commenting, favouriting, and sharing this video with your friends! See you in the next video.
Views: 11444
83 ratings
Time: 11:41 More in Entertainment

Bonjour~ I'm a Canadian traveler and teacher who lives Korea. Thanks for visiting my channel!!
let's be friends...
find me @ www.cyworld.com/kerribang

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let's meet in korea!