In Transit: Too Much Down Time

It's officially summer vacation and time to begin my brutal three flight journey home. Unable to sleep last night, I wake up this morning after sleeping just 3 or 4 hours. The tired feeling lasts for about half a minute until my foggy brain remembers what lays ahead. After finishing up my morning packing, you know the stuff that can't be done until you are ready for the day, I head downstairs to track down a taxi. Before I leave the building, my doorman, with a worried look, makes sure I am not leaving for good.

It must be my lucky day because there is then a taxi sitting right outside my building. The driver stuffs my heavy suitcase in his trunk. He also asks if I am returning. When I convey a positive response (our conversation was mainly made up of hand motions), he shakes my hand with endearing gratitude. It was quite sweet, actually.

If these two encounters weren't enough, I get out of the taxi at the bus station to find a co-worker of mine. She is dropping some friends off for a trip to Europe, whom which she will join in just a week. Before we part, she hands each of her friends a coffee and then one to if it were planned. I know it was for her, though, and so the gesture was just so special.

The bus ride to the airport takes about an hour since traffic is a bit slow. I don't mind because it gives me plenty of time to think and peacefully watch my surroundings. At one point, I find myself listening to Joe Purdy's "Blue Sky" from one of my many travel mixes and looking up at the white fluffy clouds hanging in front of the bright sky, then a nearby subway train passing, and finally the green bushes swaying in the wind. It seems like a dream and makes me feel very lucky to be living this life that sometimes feels like a fantasy. During the last stretch of the ride, which covers the Han River, Steve Miller Band's "Wide River" come on. It seems almost creepy.

Now I am at the Incheon Airport and it is here that I am currently waiting inside my gate and watching planes pass by. The extra time led to large quantities of Korean chocolate being purchased. So, if I see you during my trip home, be prepared for a major sugar high. :)

The plane I will be boarding is headed for Osaka. From there, I time travel backward to San Fransisco and finally up to good ol' Portland. I foresee a lot of airport downtime, so I'll keep updating this entry.

Now wish me luck because I have major airplane anxiety!


IN JAPAN! I see an adorable barefoot two year old boy running around the large open space that is our gate. Before that, I tried filling my water bottle with the bathroom tap, and an older lady because speaking non-stop Japanese to me. She was clearly a sweetheart and guided me to a drinking fountain instead. Nine point five hour flight ahead of me and I'm very nervous. Bought a carry on beer to help calm my nerves. Battery on my laptop s dieing and my cord is suited for Asian outlets. Hope I find a converter in SF!