Things I Love About South Korea

 I love that when you go the gas station, you get presents.  This is what we got the last time we filled up the car.  There had been a dry spell when we weren't getting presents.  We got all these things just from one visit.  I also LOVE that they fill you car up for you.  That's what it was like when I learned to drive a car.
 Today I also had a visit to my favorite dermatologist to have some more laser treatment done to my chicken pox scar.
These pictures were on the wall of the waiting room.  This time the dermatologist took a little longer on it and used one laser that felt like knife scrapping it off and then he switched to a laser that hit it with pulses.  Total cost -  30,000 WON ( 27.00 USD).  I can't believe how reasonable dermatologists are over here.  I go back in one month for another round.  I also have to keep sunscreen on my face at all times.

This really shouldn't be under this post but it happened today.  I stopped by Home Plus to get some money for the weekend.  Being a Friday, the ATM machines had lines behind each one.  In my Home Plus, the ATM are located right by the bathrooms so most people leave an opening for those coming and going to the bathroom.

I was waiting patiently and was finally next in line.  There was a space between me and the lady using the ATM to give her privacy and for the bathroom people.  The lady finished and I saw an ajosshi (older Korean man) look at me and go right to MY ATM.  I just wasn't having it.  I walked up to him and elbowed him out of the way saying in English, "Hey, wait in line like everyone else." 

I started my transaction while he hurled angry Korean words at me.  I looked at him and in a normal speaking tone told him that he was very rude and his time is no more important than mine.  I told him he could wait his turn like everyone else.   He yelled a little longer as I continued my transaction and finally walked away.  I felt good that I stood my ground and I hope he learned something.