The Subject was Sandwiches


Hot Roast Beef on Rye, with melted sharp cheddar cheese, thinly sliced purple onions and steak tomatoes with crushed black pepper, spicy mustard and sour dill pickles, all courtesy of Junior's Famous Deli and my ingenuity               HUNGRY YET?

A decade ago I lived in Seoul and worked for Konkuk University, circa 1999-2001.  At that time, I was paid 75,000 won (about 70 dollars) to write a story for Konkuk's English Language Magazine. 

I recently found that magazine's Nov 2000 issue, on my brother's shelf.  I re-read it.    
Also in the magazine was an article on Won cho kyo je which is the Korean word for underage prostitution. 

The article blamed the Japanese for introducing that practice to Koreans.  Won cho kyo je had achieve mucho popularity by year 2000 in Korean cities; and Won cho kyo je was the sole reason that nearby Cheon ho dong's famous glass-walled, ala Amsterdam's De Wallen, houses of ill repute, known as 588, or OH PAL PAL closed down in 2001. 

The Subject of MY essay was Sandwiches, and the varieties of sandwiches that we have in America.  In SKorea, ALL my friends knew that MY homemade sandwiches were THE BOMB, to use a colloquial expression from the previous decade. 

In fact, the sandwich pictured above, the multi-level oven baked greasy beefy cheesy feast, was MY concoction, as well as my dinner tonight.  In fact, that exact sandwich is NOT served at Juniors or anywhere else that I know.  It's an orignial Bravo.

In my Sandwich article from November 2000, I mention many varieties of sandwich: like PB&J, Ham on Rye, Mile Highs, Grilled Cheese, The Reuben, Patty melts, etc.  I mention how KIMBAP is like a Korean sandwich with rice and kim, or dried laver seaweed, as the STARCH WRAP -- a tubular sandwich!  You often find ham and cheese in kimbap.  And you often hear Tubular Bells or Classical Gas in SKorea.

I also state, that unlike Asians who can and do eat rice EVERYDAY, the only food that I could possibly eat everyday is sandwhiches:  hot, cold, toasted; with or without meat/cheese/veggies; on a roll, on a bun, on varieties of sliced bread, with chips or 'crisps' or pickles or peppers or cole slaw on the side.

I missed good sandwiches SO MUCH during the decade I lived in Asia.  I missed the DELIs of the US and, just for the record, Subway sandwiches SUCK!  To quote the band KILLDOZER, I can make a better hamburger with my asshole! 

A hamburger IS a hot beef sandwich.  That sounds sexy.

Definitely, after my family/friends AND Manny Mota, I would have to list YUMMY SANDWICHES as the number one thing I missed of all things American, during my extended stay in the Orient.

And yes, my heading The Subject was Sandwiches is making reference to the play/movie
The Subject was Roses.


The film version of The Subject of Roses debuted in 1968, the year of my birth.  Martin Sheen played the son -- the young, idealistic 20 something young man, both in the film, AND on Broadway the year before.  When I saw The Subject was Roses on the Music Center's dramatic stage in February 2010, 42 years later, Martin Sheen played the Father -- the old world, Depression Age Americano.

Things change, and unfortunately, any 2010 production of The Subject of Roses does not stand well the test of time, and can not possibly be as relevant as when it debuted.  The themes and subject matter are very played out and don't really exist anymore in the modern American family.  But Sandwiches remain delicious, scrumptious, TIMELESS!  Just like prostitution.  

In conclusion, I just want to say that my new book Culturebook MMX is entitled Book Two: The Spread or Penetration.  The follow up is called Book Three: The Sandwich or Orgasm.  And Book One, the prequel, is entitled:  The Bread or Lubrication.

That's right:  The Bread - The Spread - The Sandwich  OR  Lubrication - Penetration - Orgasm.  Bringing sex and sandwiches together, just like George Castanza did.  "I find pastrami to be the most sensual of all the cured meats."  "You remember the pastrami on rye scene from 9 and 1/2 Weeks?!?"

All three books are already written, but for now only Book Two is for sale.

If you'd like to buy my current Culturebook MMX Book Two: The Spread or Penetration, let me know.

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