Relaxing in Busan and Other Pics

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How To Relax in Busan

If you’re not in one of the city’s numerous spas, the preferred method of relaxation seems to be by playing on your smart phone. On the subway, in the park, at dinner, walking down the street, while driving, while talking to your friends. At the beach. Busanites are plugged into their phones in a way that seems obsessive. But they always look like they’re having fun, so who are we to judge?

And as soon as we can, we’ll be buying phones just like theirs! Enjoy this latest collection of random photos taken around this always-on-the-go city.

-Travel Insurance For Your Korea Trip

Busan Art Space
Classic Busan Girl
Coffee Science
Drooling Korea
House of Penis
Lotte Loghthouse
Korean Hipster Bike
Korean Stop Sign
Mint Cross Walk
Korean Subway
Korean Cat Walk
Mirror Shark
Moped Korea
Park Wherever
Pig Fest
Plastic Warrior
So much Fun Busan
Roads of Korea
Sorry No Soju
Very Strange Korea
Weird Street Art
Monster Cute
Super Cute Babies
Humid Summers in Busan
Piff Square
Sneaky Photographer
Say No To Crack
Cornered At Night
Fine Art Photography

We're Jürgen and Mike, from Germany and the USA. Born wanderers, we love learning about new cultures and have decided to see the world... slowly. Always being tourists might get lame, but eternal newcomers? We can live with that. So, our plan is to move to an interesting new city, once every three months. About 91 days.

Previously, We Were In ...



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