Random pictures - part thirty-eight

As with other random picture posts that have come before, these are pictures that were funny, interesting, etc. - but didn't find their way into any other post. Rather than let them collect virtual dust, let's put them on display in their own special post.

A picture just doesn't do this scene justice - unless you happen to pass this street vendor near Gangnam station, try to imagine the heads of these various animals shaking. The cow continually reminds me of what we might call a mad cow.

Today's holiday fail is sponsored by Jack'O'Lanterns and Santa Claus - on the same package.

Because as we all know, seeing men walk around the big city in their underwear is normal in Korea.

Thank you all for coming to this press conference. I'm happy to report that recent studies have confirmed that I, indeed, came first - NOT THE EGG. I'll be happy to take questions now... Seen outside a fried chicken place.

Our fishes, who art in the sea, swimming be thy name. Thy salt water come, on earth as anywhere else. Give us this day our daily starfish, and deliver us from crabs. Seen in a chicken and seafood restaurant.

You have two choices here: meet someone at the bar, then come back a year or so with a kid that needs to be photographed, or drop the kid off for picture time and grab a beer next door. Either way, this is one intriguing element of modern Korea, seeing such disparate businesses come together in the same building. Seen near Central Park in Hwaseong city.

A brand new building dubbed Metapolis, due to open in December. Promising everything from an ice rink to a movie theater to hundreds of apartments, some people might never leave. Seen in Hwaseong city.

OK, so it looks a little constructed, but it's still nicely put together...

...until you look up.

A dead / dying pond, gone black and white. A little abstract, perhaps, but still unusually beautiful... Seen near Yungneung tomb.

Creative Commons License © Chris Backe - 2010

This post was originally published on my blog,Chris in South Korea. If you are reading this on another website and there is no linkback or credit given, you are reading an UNAUTHORIZED FEED.