Quinn Martin's Epilogue

This is the final part of Can of Bliss, published in four parts here at Live Journal, and published in print form in Culturebook Book Two


I would never deny the love I felt for a woman because society or some law said that she and the rest of her ethnicity was evil or inferior to me. Nor would I deny love for a plant that has alleviated so much suffering, proven so useful and caused so much JOY for so many people for so many years. Even if I didn’t smoke weed…Even if I HATED the marijuana high and thought reggae music was stupid and repetitive, why should others not be able to enjoy the soothing medicinal effects of MJ, or the delicious, intoxicating brownies and cookies baked with it, just because I happen to have another point of view? 


Exactly! Who am I? Who is anybody to deny somebody they don’t even know anything? Fuck people! God’s law above man’s law! 




Problem is, there will be no jobs for them, and there are not enough psychiatric facilities to deal with all the victims of trauma. 


-- Victims of trauma? 

    -- Yeah, all the young inmates that have been brutally raped and beaten for the past few years while they been serving time. 

-- What was their crime?

    -- They enjoyed listening to Pink Floyd and getting stoned. They had long hair and looked like pot smokers.

-- How did they get caught?

    -- They were driving home and got pulled over. Something about a busted tail light. They got searched. Officer found a bag of grass and they were put in jail. They are now serving time for possession in a vehicle. Sure, if they knew their rights or had money, they could’ve gotten off with a fine or probation, but they didn’t know much about the law. They were poor and uneducated.

-- You’re right, they are victims. America sure has some fucked up laws.

    -- And because America is so powerful globally, the US coerces other countries to enforce anti-cannabis legislation, so that THEY can not benefit from that agricultural product economically, which in a free trade laissez-faire society, these countries would/should be allowed to do.

-- How do you know that?

    -- I lived in Asia for 13 years and 5 months. That’s how I know. SKorea and the Philippines have been in the pocket of the US ever since WE saved them from the Japanese in the early 1940’s, in effect, saving US from the Great Depression by giving US the world’s biggest and most profitable business – war machines, and employees of the war machine – The Pentagon, created in 1947 being the headquarters, main offices of the War Machine. 


SKorea was the first real exercise of the new war machine, successfully dividing Korea into North and South and letting Mao assume control of Kim, Ilsung in the North, while WE supported Syngman Rhee or Lee or EEE in the South. WE did the same thing in Viet Nam, giving the North to Mao, while WE installed Ngo in the South. The South kicked Ngo out of office, cuz he was a bad man. That’s when the war began; to fuel the US economy…  


Do you think if ALL soldiers stationed overseas, all the men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan, and all the Americans working on US bases overseas – in Germany, Okinawa, SKorea, Elsewhere – If they were all to return home to the US, do you think they would have trouble FINDING JOBS?