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          GB on the roof the Waygook Arms Cheju Island 2008                    Danny Boy and Russ after Hammer's Wedding Pusan 2006

Greetings inter-web surfers around the globe:

My name is Bravo and I lived in Asia from 1996
till 2009, 11.5 of those years working in 5 different
cities in SKorea: Taegu, Seoul, Cheongju, Pusan and
Cheju Island.  The remaining two years I spent visting many
cities in many countries on 5 different continents.
 I have a degree
in History from
UC Berkeley and I’m from Los Angeles.

Anywho, I’m now an independent writer living in Los Angeles, or smelLA.
or helLA or City of the Angels, depending on the day you are having.

Santa Monica, CA 2010                                                                         Zsa Zsa Gabor on her 10th birthday Van Nuys, CA


I am selling my book, Culturebook MMX: My Youth In Asia, which 
is actually Part Two of a Triology that’s
already been penned and
lives in my laptop's memory.  Book Three and the Prequel
will be out
by year’s end.

Starting this week, copies of BOOK TWO begin arriving in the ROK and
around various locations in Michigan. 
Unfortunately, all copies have
been spoken for and are, threrefore, not for sale. 

ALL 450 remaining copies of the initial run are here with me in my house

I am currently selling books from me direct.  I am now a writer.  This is my only
source of income.  I hope this works for me.  My endeavor is very American Dream.
"If you have an idea, work hard and offer a good product or service, you can start a
business in America."  That's not true in many countries.  And that's what why I love
America and that's exactly what I'm trying to do now. 

I, with the support of my family and friends, personally researched, wrote, edited, formatted
and paid to have printed 500 copies of my book, which, if I don't mind saying, looks pretty f&%$ing
awesome and would take even the most ardent of readers at LEAST a week to get through.

WHAT I AM OFFERING IS THIS  here comes the pitch   the books are 275 pages of small print. It’s dense, non-fiction.  Culturebook MMX is to Literature what Reality TV is to Television. 

Culurebook MMX is real time history, t
aking place mostly in SKorea but spending quality
time in Japan, Cambodia,
Laos, Thailand, the Philippines; Nepal and India.  Passing through
classrooms, temples, Mosques, bomb crater
riddled plains and houses of ill-repute along the way. 

The US Military, Chairman Mao, Richard Nixon, The Rolling Stones, Jane’s Addiction, various
English teachers still living and working all over SKorea,
Pete Townsend, John Lennon, Kim Daejung,
Chuck D, Jared Diamond, John Wooden, Lebron James, Lindsay Lohan, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Gary
Coleman, my brother!  ALL MY FRIENDS in SKorea and LA – They all make cameos or play leading or supporting roles.

                     West LA Fadeaway 2010 Family and Friends                         St. Tommy's mixed bag of bunnies

Although a store would price Culturebook higher,
I’m currently selling them for $10 CHEAP (as Mad Magazine used to say).

To send 4 copies to SKorea bundled together costs US$13.45
For four books $53.45, or conservatively estimated -- 60,000 won.

In the US, the cost to send 4 books is only $4.95, making the total
only $45 to send 4 copies anywhere in the states.  That's quite a bargain!

Individual copies sent in the US cost $15 cuz shipping is the same for 1-4
Individual copies sent to the ROK or other foreign lands would be 25 for just one.

The website will SOON be up and running with some
sort of PAYPOINT device.  Until that time, any sales must be done OLD SCHOOL. 

That means someone must give me an address and send me a check.
From the US to/from SKorea, that whole transaction takes 6-10 days,
In the US, half that time i
f we both visit the post office or Woo je gook the same day.

I can be contacted FOR SALE PURPOSES at  [email protected]

No information will be shared beyond my own customer database file, which will
probably never exist anyway, since I'm so organized.

As a final note, there are not many books written on SKorea that paint a real picture.

And most history books only give ONE SIDE of the story.  More importantly, there are no publishers
or agents or distributors or any parasitic middle people involved in the production of Culturebook MMX
It's all me, that's how we keep the price low.  I'll pay taxes when I must; and I'm sure once the book is out,
each copy will cost no less that $13 plus tax, plus shipping.  At least!  This is a first addition.  You may find
about 30 or so typos.  They'll all be nixed from all subsequent printings.  Culturebook is full of history, sex,
drugs, and rock n roll.  If you like non-fiction, SUPPORT A LOCAL WRITER NAMED BRAVO!

Thank you for listen. Working Towards a Collective Consciousnes.


                    Tongdaemun Market 2003                                                              Seogwipo, Cheju Island 2009