Lights, Camera, Action: Classroom Turned Hollywood

This week, my school participated in a very special experience. A television game show (gah, can't remember the name, but I will have to find out later) transformed one of our classrooms into a real, live TV set. That's right- big cameras accompanied for professional camera folk, sounds systems, and bright lights-the whole shebang!

The premise of the show is to test the English ability of 4th graders at local elementary schools. During a half hour segment centered upon a popular fairy tale or Disney movie, students of the same school compete against one another in a series of true/false, fill in the blank, spelling, listen and color, and comprehension questions. By the end, twenty students have been narrowed down to four and then the four to a single winner. Not the winner? That's okay! All students get to appear on public access TV during the shows once a week time slot. Not too shabby, right?

These are the two show hosts. The girl is Korean
American and speaks both Korean and English
100% fluently. 

My students were totally psyched. I showed up to watch the filming just a little late, but the second I walked in the door, they perked up and I received about five inconspicuous waves and 10 not so inconspicuous giant grins. Over the past year, I've always gone the extra mile to show them how much I care and support them and it's really paid off. They can be in the middle of filming a TV show and still be excited to see me!

Okay, so it was no Hollywood, but they really loved the experience and wow, are they quite the Aladdin geniuses. Today the classroom was back to normal, not a single clue that, for a day, it wasn't a classroom, but the actual set of a TV show. I'll get the link to the show up here after it airs.

For each correct answer, they receive a plastic animal. 

And the winner of the game was....dun, dun, dun...the boy in the red!